1-35: Correspondence arranged in alphabetical order

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
47 Letter from Leicester FitzGerald Charles Stanhope, 5th Earl of Harington, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 3 Dec. 1877
136 Letter from Charles Henry Hartshorne to Lord Houghton Item 18 Aug. 1864
59 Letter from Hannah Shepherd Havelock to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 16 Apr. 1860
62-67 Letters from John Hay to Lord Houghton Item 17 Nov. [1867?]-1 Apr. 1872
68-70 Letters from Frederick William Haydon to Lord Houghton Item 31 Oct. 1875-26 Apr. 1877
142 Letter from Mitchell Henry to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 14 Dec. [no year]
146 Letter from Henry Ainslie [?] Hoare to Lord Houghton Item 30 Jun. [1876?]
148 Letter from Anne M. Hornby to Lord Houghton Item 26 Apr. 1869
104 Letter from Harriet Goodhue Hosmer to Annabella Hungerford Milnes Item [n.d.]
110 Letter from Edward George Fitzalan-Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Glossop, to Lord Houghton Item 23 Nov. 1881
192-193 Letter from Margaret Ingram to Lord Houghton Item 27 Jan. [1872?]-7 Mar. 1872 View
194 Letter from Alexander Ireland to Lord Houghton Item 20 Mar. 1878
195 Letter from L. Ives to Lord Houghton Item [n.d.]
169-170 Letters from Henry James to Lord Houghton Item 15 Apr. [1878?]-6 Oct. [1878?]
196 Letter from Charles Jerdein to Lord Houghton Item 8 Sept. 1865
205 Letter from Hubert Edward Henry Jerningham to Lord Houghton Item 14 May 1867
185 Letter from Adolf Jochmus to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 May 1863
220 Letter from Valentine Augustus Browne, 4th Earl of Kenmare, to Lord Houghton Item 22 Mar. [1883?]
225 Letter from [Jean-Florian-Hervé?], comte de Kergorlay, to Lord Houghton Item 18 Feb. 1872
236 Letter from Robert Malcom Kerr to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 5 May [no year]
233 Letter from Joseph Knight to Lord Houghton Item 26 Apr. 1879
78-81 Letters from [P. G. Nesbett?] to Lord Houghton Item 18 May 1876-25 Jun. 1876
96-103 Letter from William de Horsey to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 21 May [no year]-[1876?]
130 Letter from A. Lloyd to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 22 Jun. 1879
155 G. Higgins Item [n.d.]
206 [unidentified correspondent to Richard Monckton Milnes?] Item
31 Letter from Sir Benjamin Hall to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 11 Aug. 1855
6-7 Letters from Alfred Newton to Lord Houghton Item 9 Mar. 1864-19 Mar. 1875
8 Letter from Horace Parker Newton to Lord Houghton Item 13 Oct [1863 or later]
10 Letter from John Pringle Nichol to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 13 Sept. 1855