1-35: Correspondence arranged in alphabetical order

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
85 Letter from Harriet Grote to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 12 Dec. 1844
166-170 Letters from Harriet Grote to Richard Monckton Milnes Item
172-182 Letters from Harriet Grote to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1860s?]
183 Letter from George Grote to Lord Houghton Item 14 Jun. [1867?]
193 Letter from Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake, to Harriet Grote Item 24 Aug. 1868
236-239 Letters from François Pierre Guillaume Guizot to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 26 Dec. 1866 etc
280-281 Letters from Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1841?]-24 July 1843
282-296 Letters from Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 10 July 1855-20 July 1876
297 Letter from Hilkiah Bedford Hall to Lord Houghton Item 9 Feb. 1864
333-336 Letters from Henry Hallam to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 6 Nov. 1833-[n.d.]
1 Letter from William Halliday Halliday to Lord Houghton Item 6 Feb. 1873
24 Letter from Henry Hansard to Lord Houghton Item 18 Mar. 1867
25-26 Letters from George Granville Harcourt to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 28 Jul. [1840s?] and [n.d.: 1840s?]
47 Letter from Chester Harding to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 22 Feb. [1847?]
54-55 Letters from Charles Stewart Hardinge, 2nd Viscount Hardinge, to Lord Houghton Item 21 Feb. [1866]-21 Aug. [no year]
81-82 Letters from Solomon Alexander Hart to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 2 Jul. 1861-26 Aug. 1868
199 Letter from Mary Anne, Lady Forester, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 Feb. 1856
224 Letter from Charles Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam, to Richard Monckton Milnes re John Forster Item [n.d.]
225-240 Letters from William Edward Forster to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 17 Apr. 1860-24 Aug. 1884
247-249 Letters from Chichester Parkinson-Fortescue to Lord Houghton Item 6 May 1869-13 Mar. 1872
254-265 Letters from John Baldwin Fosbroke to Lord Houghton Item 23 Feb 1872-8 Jun. 1872
275 Letter from Edward Augustus Freeman to 'Dean' Item 16 Oct. 1864
9 Letter from Charles Texier to Lord Houghton Item 11 Nov. 1865
10 Letter from Edmond Texier to Lord Houghton Item 25 Nov. 1869
17-25 Letters from Anne Isabella Thackeray to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1862?]-[1879?]
47-52 Letters from Élise Thiers to Lord Houghton Item 2 [?] Jan. 1870-2 Nov. 1877
159 Letter from Constance Emily Thornhill to Lord Houghton Item [1870s?]
177-178 Letters from Percy Melville Thornton to Lord Houghton Item 30 Jan. 1883-22 Apr. 1883
180-186 Letters from Henry Sykes Thornton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 Apr. 1861-2 May 1876
188 Letter from Watson Joseph Thornton to 'Frank' [Francis Rodes Newton?] Item 29 Jan.-4 Feb. 1836