1-35: Correspondence arranged in alphabetical order

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
301-304 Letters from James MacLehose to Lord Houghton re David Gray Item 1 May 1865-22 Jul. 1875
315 Letter from William Sheddon Ralston to Richard Monckton Milnes re David Gray Item 31 May [1860s?]
373 Letter from Caroline Milnes to Richard Monckton Milnes re David Gray Item [Jan. 1861]
385 Letter from Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne, to Richard Monckton Milnes, re David Gray Item [1862?]
371-372 Letters from David Gray, father of the poet, to William Logan Item 20 Dec. 1862-9 Mar. 1875
5 Letter from A. Shelley to Lord Houghton Item 8 Mar. 1873
7-8 Letters from Lady Mary Shepherd to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 11 Feb. [no year]-26 Jun. [no year]
10 Letter from Mary Clara Elizabeth Shirley to Lord Houghton Item 15 Sept. 1884
17 Letter from John Sinclair to Lord Houghton Item 15 Mar. [1872?]
43-45 Letters from John Poyntz Spencer, 5th Earl Spencer, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 12 Jun. 1861-16 Jul. 1870
54-55 Letters from Edward James Stanley to Lord Houghton Item 9 Dec. [1863?]-16 Aug. 1872
72 Letter from Antony, Count Szecsen, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 30 Mar. 1847
75-76 Letters from Julie Salis Schwabe to Lord Houghton Item 19 May 1876-28 May [1876?]
77 Letter from J. M. [John MacAllister?] Schofield to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 27 Apr. [no year]
79 Letter from Mary C. Scroggs to Annabella Hungerford Milnes Item 23 Dec. [1873?]
80 Letter from C. Sebright to Lord Houghton Item 25 [Oct. 1873?]
87 Letter from Hon. Diana Smyth to Lord Houghton Item 17 Apr. [1869?]
93 Letter from Sir Henry Knight Storks to Lord Houghton Item 27 Jun. [1867?]
105 Letter from Charles Bennet, Lord Ossulston, to Lord Houghton Item 27 Dec. 1872
107 Letter from P[eter?] A[lfred?] Taylor to Lord Houghton Item 5 Jun. 1877
110-111 Letters from Sigismond Thalberg to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 21 Jun. [1840s?]
116 Letter from Sir Edward Thornton to Lord Houghton Item 2 May 1876
117 Letter from George Ticknor to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 7 Jul. [1856?]
124-126 Letters from George Tomline to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 11 Feb. 1863-31 Jul. 1868
127 Letter from K[harilaos?] Trikoupis to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 8 Jun. [no year]
131 Letter from Charles Turner to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [n.d.]
137 ? [Arnold ()?] Item
141 Letter from Sir Harry Verney, 2nd Baronet, to Lord Houghton Item 4 Oct. 1881
146 Letter from Augusto Vera to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1861?]
153 Letter from Sir Richard Rawlinson Vyvyan, 8th Baronet, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 21 Oct. 1843