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Mott, Thomas (1773-1826), attorney
Pessoa singular · 1773-1826

Thomas Mott, the son of William and Susan Mott, was baptised at All Saints' church, Cambridge, on 6 December 1773. On 18 January 1796 he married, at St Edmund's church, Cambridge, a daughter of Edward Gillam, merchant and carrier (Stamford Mercury, 22 Jan. 1796, p. 3). He was buried at Cambridge 2 July 1826 (

He was an early friend of Dawson Turner, with whom he made a tour of Derbyshire in 1795. After serving as a clerk to Joseph Sayers at Yarmouth, he became an attorney at Cambridge, where, according to Turner, 'he brought a sad career to a premature end'. Turner described him as ‘a man of quick talents, with considerable taste for poetry, and still more for drawing caricatures’.

In 1817 he published at London a small work entitled Elucidation of the Ancient English Statute Laws that award the penalty of death sans clergy, from Edw. III to Queen Anne, with notes (London, 1817).

Maimburg, Augustus (1768/9-1836), army officer
Pessoa singular · 1768/9-1836

Maimburg was 67 years of age when he died in 1836 (see below), and was therefore born in 1768 or 1769.

In 1799 he was stationed at Minorca with the 8th (or King's) Regiment of Foot (O.13.1, No. 106).

On 1 Sept. 1800 he was serving as a Lieutenant in the 8th Regiment, commanding a detachment of invalids (O.13.1, No. 142).

In 1803 he published a translation of Johann Ehwald's Abhandlung vom Dienst der leichten Truppen under the title A Treatise upon the Duties of Light Troops (O.13.2, No. 197; J. Ewald, Treatise on Partisan Warfare, tr. R. A. Selig and D. C. Skaggs (1991), pp. 3, 39).

On 3 Dec. 1803 he married Jane Tucker at the church of St Martin in the Fields in London (marriage register, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London; TNA, WO 42/56).

He joined the Foreign Veteran Battalion in the King’s German Legion on 20 Dec. 1803, and served in it without a permanent rank until 5 Apr. 1810, when he was appointed a Captain. He served in the expedition to Hanover in 1805, the expedition to the Baltic in 1807 and 1808, the Peninsular cam-paigns in 1808, 1809, 1811, 1812, and 1813, the campaign in the South of France in 1813, and in the Netherlands in 1814 and 1815 (N. L. Beamish, History of the King’s German Legion (1837), ii. 607; A List of the Officers of the Army and of the Corps of the Royal Marines (1821), p. 689)).

On 23 Jan. 1814 he was appointed Captain of a Company in the Foreign Veteran Battalion ‘from the 1st Battalion of Light Infantry’ (London Gazette, 1 Mar. 1814, p. 468) and on 24 Feb. 1816 he was placed on half-pay (A List of the Officers of the Army and Royal Marines (1835), p. 531), presumably on the disbandment of the King’s German Legion, which took place this year (Beamish, ii. 517).

Maimburg died at Paris on 5 Jan. 1836, aged 67 (TNA, WO 42/56; Beamish, ii. 607).

Farn, J. (fl. 1791), engraver
Pessoa singular · fl. 1791

‘J. Farn executed portraits in mezzotint for the European Magazine, including portraits of the politician W. Burton Conyngham, after G. Stuart; the actress Mrs Susanna Maria Cibber, after J. Giles Eccardt; the writer SIr Herbert Croft; and the botanist Th. Martyn and the clergyman J. Towers, both after S. Drummond’ (Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators).

Dyer, Thomas Webb (1758-1833), physician and botanist
Pessoa singular · 1758-1833

Dyer was born on 12 January 1758. He served as house apothecary to the Bristol Infirmary for 21 years. In February 1814 he married Margaret Susannah Lowe at St Augustine’s, Bristol, and he retired from the infirmary about the same time. He formed a museum of natural history, and a library of books on natural history and medical subjects.

Dyer died at Bristol on 13 July 1833 (Gentleman’s Magazine, July 1833, p. 91).