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Authority record
Person · 1735–1802

Sewell died on 19 November 1802 in his 68th year. His year of birth is given with certainty as 1735 on various online sites, but the source of this information is unclear.

Person · 1781/2–1859

The Baroness de Speth was born in Germany in 1781 or 1782 (census, 1851). She is listed in the census of 1851 among those in residence at Frogmore House, Windsor, and is described there as an unmarried woman. She died at her residence in Ebury Street on 19 July 1859 (Evening Mail, 22 July 1859, p. 8). ‘The Baroness has been for 52 years the affectionate and devoted friend and servant of her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent (Evening Mail, 27 July 1859, p. 1).

The website of the Royal Collections Trust gives the Baroness's name as Marie Walburg, Baroness de Speth, but no other source for the additional names has been found.