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Authority record
Person · 1890-1935

DNB entry for Bronislaw Malinowski:
A series of muddled love affairs ended with his marriage on 6 March 1919 to Elsie Rosaline (1890–1935), the daughter of Spencer's colleague at Melbourne University David Orme Masson. An educated woman and an author in her own right, she had three daughters with Malinowski and assisted his career after they returned to Europe in 1920. ... Malinowski's domestic relationships were complicated by his first wife's long struggle with multiple sclerosis; she died on 18 September 1935.

Person · 1906-1979

From Hilton Family Tree on
When Joyce Elizabeth Marett was born in January 1906 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, her father, Robert, was 40, and her mother, Nora, was 32. She married John Harvey in 1925. They had one child during their marriage. She died in 1979 at the age of 73.