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Persoon · 1873-1958

DNB for Dorthy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin: 'Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot (1910–1994), chemist and crystallographer, was born on 12 May 1910 in Guizeh, near Cairo, Egypt, the eldest of four daughters of John Winter Crowfoot (1873–1958) and his wife, Grace Mary (Molly) Hood (1877–1957). Her father was an inspector with the ministry of public instruction for Egypt and the Sudan, but he also developed considerable expertise as an archaeologist, and later became director of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. Her mother, although largely self-educated, shared her husband's interest and became an authority on ancient textiles in her own right. Both were descended from moderately prosperous families. The Crowfoots came from Beccles in Suffolk, where many of John Crowfoot's relatives entered the medical profession, although his own father had taken holy orders and eventually became chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral.'