T. F. H. Pethick was born at Ventnor in 1907. In September 1935 he married Denise Joyce Clark in Chelsea.
When Haile Selassie, who was said to be well-known to Pethick's aunt Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, visited Ventnor in 1938, Pethick and his wife accompanied him to the cinema (Isle of Wight Mercury, 27 May and 4 June 1938).
He died in Surrey in 1981.
Marston was Chief of Division, CSIRO Division of Biochemistry and General Nutrition, University of Adelaide, Australia, 1945-1965.
Anderson was head of the Department of Soil Organic Chemistry at the Macaulay lnstitute for Soil Research, Aberdeen.
Annison was based at the Agricultural Research Council lnstitute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, Cambridge, 1953-1957, later working in Australia.
Bailey joined the staff of the Rowett Research lnstitute in 1956.