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Cunningham, William (1849-1919) economic historian
Pessoa singular · 1849-1919

From Janus entry for The Papers of Oscar Browning: Rev. William Cunningham (d. 1919) was a Fellow of Trinity College, then a professor of economics at King's College, London; Adele was his wife.

Röntgen Quartet
Pessoa coletiva · founded 1941
Steggall, John William Abbot (1887-1916) engineer
Pessoa singular · 1887-1916

Information from ST. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY:
"John William Abbott Steggall, Born 22nd August 1887; Bachelor of Science. 1909, A.M.I. C.E. Engineer in South America.; Sapper, Royal Naval Division; Served in England, Egypt, and in the trenches at Gallipoli; Transferred, after special training at Greenwich, to H.M.S. Invincible as Naval Instructor, March 1916;
and Lost with the ship at the Battle of Jutland on 31st May 1916."