Additional Manuscripts a

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
101A Library records: class list Item pre-1667
106 Library records: donors Item c. 1680
109 Library records: class list of the Fellows' library Item c. 1738
117 Library records: borrowers' ledger Item 1709-1719
121 Library records: books borrowed Item 1724-1739
122 Library records: borrowers' ledger Item 1724-1737
125 Library records: books borrowed by author Item 1734-1768
129 Library records: class list, A-L Item c. 1760
130 Library records: class list M-Z Item c. 1760
132 Library records: borrowers' ledger Item 1773-1785
133 Library records: books borrowed Item 1765-1773
144A Library records: duplicates Item 1859
145 Library records: old catalogue of manuscripts Item c. 1730
147 Library records: Gale mss Item c. 1738
148 Library records: Gale mss, with a letter of Roger Gale Item c. 1738
149 Library records: notes made in the preparation of Item c. 1760
151 Library records: gifts - Dobree, Hole, Evans, Pettiward Item 1825-1833
152 Library records: gifts - Cayley Item 1895
161B Library records: donors' book Item 1975-1980
161F Library records: donors' book Item 1993-1996
162B Library records: books bought Item 1969-1973
164 Library records: order book Item 1876-1891
167 Library records: reports Item 1838-1969
171 Library records: D. A. Winstanley's notes on Trinity College v British Museum Item Aug. 1946
190 Miscellanea File 1847-1969
191 Photographs and drawings relating to a visit to the Scottish Islands and Norway File 1865
199 Miscellanea File [1649-20th cent.]
200 William Whewell letters received: Airy to Barlow File 1823-1866, [18--]
201 William Whewell letters received: Barnard to Brongniart File 1817-1864, [18--]
203 William Whewell letters received: Digby to Froude File 1821-1866, [18--]