Additional Manuscripts a

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
5b Cutting from the Times Literary Supplement, containing a notice of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 3 Nov. 1927
7 Leaf from The Observer, containing reviews by Michael Sadleir of An Introduction to Bibliography, etc. Item 18 Dec. 1927
8c Cutting from the Oxford Magazine, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 24 Nov. 1927
8h Cutting from The Spectator, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 14 Jan. 1928
6 Papers relating to ‘Elements of Bibliography’ File 1939-42
2b Carbon copy of ‘Elements of Bibliography’, by R. B. McKerrow, annotated and supplemented by hand Item c. July 1939
1 Letter from Srinivasa Ramanujan to Eric Harold Neville Item 12 Mar. 1914
1 Letters removed from The Works of Thomas Nashe File 1912-57
4 Draft of a letter from R. B. McKerrow to Harold Williams Item 15 May 1922
6 Letter from T. J. Wise to R. B. McKerrow Item 29 Oct. 1923
7 Letter from W. W. Greg to R. B. McKerrow Item 4 Nov. 1933
9 Letter from Edgar Kofler to R. B. McKerrow Item 21 Feb. 1939
7 Letter from R. W. Chapman to R. B. McKerrow Item 9 Oct. 1929
6 Typed slip marked ‘Please write to: Lincoln College’ (probably used by F. P. Wilson) Item early 20th c.
7 Index card in McKerrow’s hand, headed ‘travel’ Item early 20th c.
8 Index card in McKerrow’s hand, headed ‘peradventure’ Item early 20th c.
9 List of variations between McKerrow’s text of Nashe’s Tragedie of Dido (Works of Nashe, iii. 329-97) and the quarto (Malone 133), with readings from other editors; in an unidentified hand Item early 20th c.
11 Rough list of authors, by R. B. McKerrow, of doubtful significance Item early 20th c.
19 Notes by McKerrow on the title and signatures of Nashe’s Summer’s Last Will and Testament Item early 20th c.
20 Rough notes by McKerrow on Nashes Lenten Stuffe, etc. (cf. Works of Nashe, iv. 396, 398) Item early 20th c.
22 Rough note by McKerrow on the phrase ‘Sapiens dominabitur astris’ (cf. Works of Nashe, iv. 364) Item early 20th c.
1 Leaves from book sale catalogue No. 50 issued by Joseph Baer & Co. of Frankfurt am Main Item early 20th c.
3 Rough notes by McKerrow, relating to Notes on Bibliographical Evidence Item early 20th c.
7 Note from —— to R. B. McKerrow Item c. 1930
5 Printed prospectus for Materialen zur Kunde des älteren Englischen Dramas, annotated in an unidentified hand Item 1903
6 Notes by R. B. McKerrow on The Devil’s Charter, marked ‘from G.C.M.S.’ (i.e. G. C. Moore Smith) Item early 20th c.
8 Quotation from John Taylor’s Armado or Navye of 103 Ships (1627), in McKerrow’s hand Item early 20th c.
9 Correction, in McKerrow’s hand, probably relating to his edition of The Devil’s Charter Item early 20th c.
1 Letter from Walter Worrall to R. B. McKerrow Item 7 Oct. 1913
3 Letters removed from Greenes Newes and Greenes Funeralls File 1911-33