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4 |
Printed notice issued by the Cambridge Philological Society detailing the scheme of ‘re-stored pronunciation of Latin’ to be recommended at the annual general meeting on 1 Feb. 1906 |
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1906 |
10 |
Letter from E. B. Cowell to W. Aldis Wright |
Item |
29 Oct. 1884 |
13 |
Postcard from E. B. Cowell to W. Aldis Wright |
Item |
8 Nov. 1897 |
15 |
Envelope addressed by S. M. Schiller-Szinessy to W. Aldis Wright |
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late 19th c. |
5 |
Proof of a pamphlet entitled Glossic, by Alexander J. Ellis, annotated by the author |
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c. 5 May 1870 |
7 |
Printed leaflet advertising The Reliquary, a quarterly archaeological journal |
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c. 1870 |
11 |
Printed pamphlet entitled T’Gurt Railway Jubilee: My Prisence & Harty Approvil, by ‘“T’ Licend Hawker,” Teesdale’, in dialect |
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c. 1875 |
16 |
Corrected proofs of part of W. W. Skeat’s ‘Notes on English Etymology’, published in Transactions of the Philological Society, 1885–7, pp. 283–333 |
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c. 1886 |
17 |
Part of a leaf of a German journal, containing an article headed ‘Giegler’s Echos der neueren gesprochenen Sprachen’, apparently a review of R. Schindler’s Echo of the Spoken English, First Part: Children’s Talk (1890) |
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c. 1890 |
18 |
Printed prospectus for the English Dialect Dictionary |
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1894 |
20 |
Proof of a specimen sheet of the English Dialect Dictionary |
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1890s |
1 |
Journal of the Society of Arts, containing a paper by Alexander J. Ellis entitled ‘On a Practical Method of Meeting the Spelling Difficulty in School and in Life’ |
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22 Apr. 1870 |
1-2 |
Two notebooks containing lecture notes |
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[19th cent.?] |
9 |
Letter from F. E. A. Trayes to Henry Jackson |
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28 Oct. [18--?] |
15 |
Signature of A. N. Phillips |
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[19th cent.?] |
12 |
Printed volume of Plato's Gorgias with MS notes |
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[19th cent.] |
16 |
Notebook headed "Lecture on Euripides. Lent Term 1857" |
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1857 |
18-19 |
Two offprints, On the Genuineness of the Sophista of Plato and on Some of Its Philosophical Bearings |
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1858 |
8 |
Notebook headed "Miscell. Philosoph." |
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[19th cent.] |
5 |
Notes on Thucydides, for lectures |
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[19th cent.] |
7 |
Notebook headed "Miss. [Mss.?]. E., Aristot. Polit." |
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[19th cent.] |
8 |
Notebook headed "Xenophon, Mera I" |
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[19th cent.] |
12-13 |
Two Thompson notebooks headed "Misc. Drama. I [and II]" |
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[19th cent.] |
31 |
Notebook headed "Aristotle Pol. V (VIII)" |
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[19th cent.] |
32 |
Notebook headed "Euripides" |
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[19th cent.] |
38 |
Notebook headed "Aristotelis Ethica &c" |
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[19th cent.] |
9 |
Transcript of a note on corn-rents, in an unidentified hand |
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late 19th or early 20th c. |
11 |
Notes by W. Aldis Wright on the licensing of plays and playhouses, from Collier’s Annals of the Stage |
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late 19th or early 20th c. |
12 |
Note by W. Aldis Wright of two passages in the book of Proverbs echoed in King John and Hamlet |
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late 19th or early 20th c. |
17 |
Note by W. Aldis Wright of two passages in Jordan’s Royal Arbor of Loyal Poesie (1664) relating to baptism and godfathers |
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late 19th or early 20th c. |