Additional Manuscripts b

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
4 Printed notice issued by the Cambridge Philological Society detailing the scheme of ‘re-stored pronunciation of Latin’ to be recommended at the annual general meeting on 1 Feb. 1906 Item 1906
10 Letter from E. B. Cowell to W. Aldis Wright Item 29 Oct. 1884
13 Postcard from E. B. Cowell to W. Aldis Wright Item 8 Nov. 1897
15 Envelope addressed by S. M. Schiller-Szinessy to W. Aldis Wright Item late 19th c.
5 Proof of a pamphlet entitled Glossic, by Alexander J. Ellis, annotated by the author Item c. 5 May 1870
7 Printed leaflet advertising The Reliquary, a quarterly archaeological journal Item c. 1870
11 Printed pamphlet entitled T’Gurt Railway Jubilee: My Prisence & Harty Approvil, by ‘“T’ Licend Hawker,” Teesdale’, in dialect Item c. 1875
16 Corrected proofs of part of W. W. Skeat’s ‘Notes on English Etymology’, published in Transactions of the Philological Society, 1885–7, pp. 283–333 Item c. 1886
17 Part of a leaf of a German journal, containing an article headed ‘Giegler’s Echos der neueren gesprochenen Sprachen’, apparently a review of R. Schindler’s Echo of the Spoken English, First Part: Children’s Talk (1890) Item c. 1890
18 Printed prospectus for the English Dialect Dictionary Item 1894
20 Proof of a specimen sheet of the English Dialect Dictionary Item 1890s
1 Journal of the Society of Arts, containing a paper by Alexander J. Ellis entitled ‘On a Practical Method of Meeting the Spelling Difficulty in School and in Life’ Item 22 Apr. 1870
1-2 Two notebooks containing lecture notes Item [19th cent.?]
9 Letter from F. E. A. Trayes to Henry Jackson Item 28 Oct. [18--?]
15 Signature of A. N. Phillips Item [19th cent.?]
12 Printed volume of Plato's Gorgias with MS notes Item [19th cent.]
16 Notebook headed "Lecture on Euripides. Lent Term 1857" Item 1857
18-19 Two offprints, On the Genuineness of the Sophista of Plato and on Some of Its Philosophical Bearings Item 1858
8 Notebook headed "Miscell. Philosoph." Item [19th cent.]
5 Notes on Thucydides, for lectures Item [19th cent.]
7 Notebook headed "Miss. [Mss.?]. E., Aristot. Polit." Item [19th cent.]
8 Notebook headed "Xenophon, Mera I" Item [19th cent.]
12-13 Two Thompson notebooks headed "Misc. Drama. I [and II]" Item [19th cent.]
31 Notebook headed "Aristotle Pol. V (VIII)" Item [19th cent.]
32 Notebook headed "Euripides" Item [19th cent.]
38 Notebook headed "Aristotelis Ethica &c" Item [19th cent.]
9 Transcript of a note on corn-rents, in an unidentified hand Item late 19th or early 20th c.
11 Notes by W. Aldis Wright on the licensing of plays and playhouses, from Collier’s Annals of the Stage Item late 19th or early 20th c.
12 Note by W. Aldis Wright of two passages in the book of Proverbs echoed in King John and Hamlet Item late 19th or early 20th c.
17 Note by W. Aldis Wright of two passages in Jordan’s Royal Arbor of Loyal Poesie (1664) relating to baptism and godfathers Item late 19th or early 20th c.