Biographical and autobiographical material

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
6 'Autobiography 5. Aberdeen and early Imperial College. Visit to Rumania', with an additional sequence. This covers Thomson's marriage, and his most famous scientific work on electron diffraction. File
9 Autobiography. 'United Nations XI' File
12 Autobiography. 'Chap. XIV. Visits and Holidays'. File
14 Spiral bound duplicated typescript text of Thomson's complete autobiography File
22 Speeches File 1968, 1969
25 Conferral of Hon. D.Sc., University of Lisbon. File 1935
26 Correspondence re Nobel Lecture. File 1938
27 Letters of congratulation on Knighthood. File 1943
29 Papers relating to various awards and appointments File 1947; 1947
32 Nomination as Honorary Councillor, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid. File >1950
39 Brief correspondence re University of London committees, and Old Centralians. File 1950
40 Invitation (declined) to serve on Science Museum Advisory Council, newly reconstituted. File 1951
41 Invitation to serve on Advisory Committee, U.K.A.E.A File 1961
43 Brief correspondence of biographical interest File 1938; 1945
47 Shorter correspondence re subscriptions. File
50 Requests for autographs or biographical information. File
51 Volume containing offprints of Thomson's publications File 1920–49
52 Volume containing offprints of Thomson's publications File
4 'Autobiography 3. Trinity Years' File
5 'Autobiography 4. Trinity (Continued), 1st World War, Corpus'. Narrative continues to include 'Chapter VI' on Corpus Christi College, further material for 'End of Chap. VI' on the Thomson and Paget families, 'Chap. VII' on Aberdeen. File
7 'Autobiography 6. Illness, War' File
13 Folder of miscellaneous material and notes assembled for autobiography. File
15 Envelope annotated by Thomson 'My first published work'. File
16 Lecture entitled 'How an aeroplane flies' File
17 Lecture entitled 'The Science of Flight' together with some printed matter File
19 Speeches File 1958, 1960
21 Speeches File 1964, 1966
44 Correspondence with Imperial College, re Thomson's F.S.S.U. policies, family allowances, College accounts and expenses File 1937–51
53 An incomplete set of offprints of Thomson's publications File
1 Obituaries and tributes File 1972-1976