Biographical and autobiographical material

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 'Autobiography 1': Childhood, family and early days to 1901 when Thomson entered King's College Choir School. File
3 'Autobiography 2, Chapt. II': King's College Choir School, and the Perse School, Cambridge. File
10 Autobiography. 'Chap. XII. Activities and organisations'. File
23 Speeches File nd
28 Certificate of Membership, Society of Instrument Technology. File 1945
30 Conferral of Hon. LI.D., University of Aberdeen. File 1948
31 Award of Royal Medal of the Royal Society. File 1949
33 Conferral of Associateship, Royal College of Science. and farewell dinner and presentation to Thomson on his departure from Imperial College. File 1951; 1952
34 Papers relating to the Committee on the Education and Training of Students from Overseas File 1933
36 Papers relating to the Atomic Energy Commission and the Church Assembly Commission on Atomic Power File 1946
37 Paper on the organisation and functions of Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committees File >1947
38 Correspondence re the Scientific Advisory Panel, and re a consultancy, Ministry of Defence. File 1950
42 Brief correspondence with U.K.A.E.A. re classified papers returned by Thomson. File 1968
45 Correspondence with bank and brokers re shares, dividends, etc File 1947–51
8 'Autobiography 7. Post War London' File
11 Autobiography. `Chap. XIII. Return to Corpus' and drafts for part of Chapter XIV File
14A Duplicated typescript of letters from Kathleen Thomson to G P Thomson File
18 Speeches File 24 Sep 1953, 4 Oct 1957
20 Speeches File 1962–1963
24 Award of Howard N. Potts Gold Medal of The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. File 1932
35 Renewal of invitation to serve on Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich File 1944
46 Correspondence and notifications of salary or consultancy fees File 1943-1951
48 Shorter personal accounts. File
49 Miscellaneous personal notes and jottings File