Box 24

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
33 Invoice and receipt from A. A. Tanner & Son, printers Item 6 Feb 1951
40 Letter from L. G. Smith of George Allen & Unwin Ltd to R. C. Trevelyan Item 22 July 1948
42 Letter from Stanley Unwin to R. C. Trevelyan Item 3 Dec 1948
46 Letter from Stanley Unwin to R. C. Trevelyan Item 11 Oct 1949
48A Receipt and compliments slip sent from George Allen & Unwin Ltd to R. C. Trevelyan Item 6 Dec 1949
49 Letter from L. G. Smith of George Allen & Unwin Ltd to R. C. Trevelyan Item 13 Jan 1950
57 Letter from Philip Unwin to R. C. Trevelyan Item 26 Apr 1950
58 Receipt from George Allen & Unwin Ltd sent to R. C. Trevelyan Item 14 Apr 1915
66 Stock and cash account of R. C. Trevelyan with George Allen & Unwin Ltd Item 31 Dec 1929
68 Invoice of George Allen & Unwin Ltd sent to R. C. Trevelyan Item 1 Mar 1935
74 Statement of R. C. Trevelyan's literary earnings for year ending 31 Mar 1950 Item 1950
76 Sketchbook Item c 1937?
77A Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Elizabeth Trevelyan Item [1940-1953]
81 "The Abinger Chronicle", Vol. 1. No. 5. Item April 1940
82 "The Abinger Chronicle", Vol. 1. No. 6. Item May 1940
85 "The Abinger Chronicle", Vol. 1. No. 9. Item Aug 1940
86 "The Abinger Chronicle", Vol. 1. No.10. Item Sept-Oct 1940
94 "The Abinger Chronicle", Vol. 2. No. 6. Item Aug-Sept 1941
101 "The Abinger Chronicle", Vol. 3. No. 5-6. Item Nov-Dec 1942
105 "The Abinger Chronicle", Vol. 4. No.4. Item Aug-Sept 1943
34B Agreement between R. C. Trevelyan and George Allen & Unwin Ltd for the publication of "Ajax" Item 13 May 1919
34 Agreement between R. C. Trevelyan and George Allen & Unwin Ltd for the publication of "The Foolishness of Solomon" Item 10 Apr 1915
35 Agreement between R. C. Trevelyan and George Allen & Unwin Ltd for the publication of "Translations from Latin Poetry" Item 3 Dec 1948
4 Letter from Drummonds Bank to R. C. Trevelyan Item 21 Nov 1949
5 Letter from Drummonds Bank to R. C. Trevelyan Item 18 Sept 1950
7 Agreement between R. C. Trevelyan and the Hogarth Press for the publication of "Poems and Fables" Item 10 Nov 1924
9 Agreement between R. C. Trevelyan and the Hogarth Press for the publication of "Cheiron" Item 2 Sept 1927
16 Royalty statement for R. C. Trevelyan from the Hogarth Press Item 1947 ?
17 Agreement between R. C. Trevelyan and the Hogarth Press for the publication of "From the Shiffolds" Item June 1946
31 Invoice and receipt from A. A. Tanner & Son, printers Item 24 Apr 1950