Papers of Richard Synge

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
412 Personal interests: Politics: World Disarmament Campaign Item 3 Dec 1982
420 Personal interests: Travel: Synge's hand-drawn map of rail network around Manchester Item n.d.
434 Finance and business: Expenses, including for Synge's Nobel Prize trip to Scandinavia Item 1952-1964
438 Miscellaneous: Papers re Synge's health File 1964
451 Photographs of staff of the Rowett Institute and Synge at the 2nd International Congress of Biochemistry File 1951-1952
454 Photograph of Richard L. M. Synge's children Item Oct 1954
460 Photograph of Synge family Item 1963
461 Photographs, some from 14th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting File c 1963-1964
465 Photographs of Synge and others, sent to him by H. S. Corran; group photographs of Nobel laureates File 1975
466 Photograph of honorary graduands, University of East Anglia, including Synge (Honorary D.Sc.). Item 1976
467 Photographs: Richard and Anne Synge at Lindau (27th Nobel Laureate Meeting); Phytochemical Societies' Conference at Gent File Jun-Sept 1967
3 Lister Institute memoranda and notices File 1944–1946
12 Visit to Sweden and Norway: Correspondence re equipment, chemicals etc taken to Sweden by Synge File 1946
15 Further typescript lists of apparatus and chemicals with manuscript annotations by Synge File [1943-1948?]
2 Appointment: Correspondence, chiefly re equipment and co-workers File 1948-1949
3 Protein and Carbohydrate Chemistry Department: Research programmes File 1949-1951
26-29 Protein and Carbohydrate Chemistry Department: Equipment and supplies: 'Isotopes - AEA [Atomic Energy Authority]' File 1947-1958
34-37 Protein and Carbohydrate Chemistry Department: Equipment and supplies: 'Instruction sheets etc, concerning Lab. apparatus' Item n.d.
38-44 Protein and Carbohydrate Chemistry Department: 'Staff and visiting workers 1948-' File 1948-1953
56 Protein and Carbohydrate Chemistry Department: 'Own radioactive experiments' File 1962-1965
61-62 Agricultural Research Council Visiting Group: Information on the RRI and its departments prepared for the Visiting Group. File [1964?]
63 Agricultural Research Council Visiting Group: Extracts from 1964 Report of Visiting Group File [1964]
79-92 Rowett Rearch Institute Annual Reports File 1947-1962
98-99 The Strathcona Club: Papers for AGMS File 1949-1954
4 Papers re Library Committee File 1971-1976
5 Rothschild Report: Correspondence and papers File 1971
11 Coloured sketch of the Food Research Institute, with short note on its location and environment Item 29 Dec 1975
17 'Chemistry Division List of Projects 1976-77'. Item 1976-1977
5 Hardback notebook: 'April 1938 - March 1939 Protein work I' Item Apr 1938-Mar 1939
9 Hardback notebook: 'Notebook V AH Gordon RLM Synge. Partial hydrolysis work II' Item From c Feb 1942