Chronological events

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
8 Letter from William Markham to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 8 Dec. 1845
9 Letter from William Markham to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 26 Jan. 1848
5 Congratulations on marriage File 1851
8 Letter from Hon. Robert Curzon to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 14 Jun. [1851]
11 Letter from Eliot Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 16 Jun. 1851
13 Letter from Elizabeth Rachel Wood to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 16 Jun. [1851]
20 Letter from Francis Vansittart Thornton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 17 Jun. 1851
21 Letter from Laura Milnes to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 17 Jun. [1851]
27 Letter from Augustus Stafford O'Brien Stafford to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 Jun. 1851
29 Letter from George William Lyttelton, 4th Baron Lyttelton, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 19 Jun. 1851
43 Letter from Matilda Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [Jun./Jul. 1851]
46 Letter from Jane Gambier to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [Jun./Jul. 1851]
49 Letter from Augustus Fitzroy to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 22 Jul. [1851]
50 Letter from Lady Marian Alford to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 28 Jul. [1851]
52 Letter from George John Cayley to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 10 Aug. 1851
51 Letter from Catherine Louisa Georgina Manners to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1851?]
52 Letter from Thomas Spring Rice, 1st Baron Mounteagle, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1851]
2 Letter from John Paget to Baron M[ichael/Mihaly?] Brukenthal Item 28 Jul. 1851
6 Letter from John Paget to Jozefa, Countess Sandor Bethlen Item 28 Jul. 1851
8 Letter from John Paget to Count Sámuel Teleki Item 28 Jul. 1851
9 Letter from John Paget to Baron Sigmund [Zsigmond] Kemény Item 28 Jul. 1851
5 Bill for Hôtel de Russie, Francfort [Frankfurt] Item 22-25 Aug. 1851
6 Receipt from Frères Bethmann for purchase of currency Item 23 Aug. 1851
7 Bill for purchases from the Bohemian Crystal Warehouse of 'P. A. Tacch's Nachfolger' , Wiesbaden Item 27 Aug. 1851
9 Bill for Königliches Bad Hotel, Wildbad Item 4-5 Sept. 1851
12 Bill for Hôtel zum Erzherzog Carl, Wien [Vienna] Item 12-25 Sept. 1851
16 Bill for purchases from H [Helena] Wolfsohn, née Meyer, Dresden Item 11 Nov. 1851
19 Bill from J. & R. McCracken, import/export merchants and shipping agents, for delivery of glassware from F. Steigerwald Item 27 Nov. 1851
23 Bill from J. & R. McCracken, import/export merchants and shipping agents, for delivery of picture from R. R. Noel, Dresden Item 11 Dec. 1851
No. 3 Letter from Amicia Henrietta FitzGerald to Sybil Marcia Milnes Part 12 Aug. [1885]