Chronological events

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
No. 78 Letter from Charles William Standish to Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, 2nd Lord Houghton Part 29 Aug. 1885
No. 81 Letter from Rosamond Broughton to Sybil Marcia Milnes Part [Aug. 1885?]
No. 83 Letter from Margaret Tottie to Sybil Marcia Milnes Part 9 Sept. 1885
No. 84 Letter from Frederick Lloyd to Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, 2nd Lord Houghton Part [Aug. 1885?]
No. 86 Letter from Clarence A[rmstrong?] Roberts to Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, 2nd Lord Houghton Part 18 Aug. 1885
No. 89 Letter from Frances Mary du Quaire to Amicia Henrietta FitzGerald Part 27 Aug. 1885
No. 90 Letter from Amy Henrietta Pelly to Amicia Henrietta FitzGerald Part 26 Aug. 1885
No. 94 Letter from Marian Dora Malet to Amicia Henrietta FitzGerald Part 15 Aug. 1885
No. 96 Letter from Margaret Tottie to Amicia Henrietta FitzGerald Part 23 Aug. 1885
No. 97 Letter from Frances Elizabeth Lysley to Amicia Henrietta FitzGerald Part 4 Oct. [1885]
No. 117 Letter from Arthur Lees, Secretary of the Buckley Street Primitive Methodist Mutual Improvement Society, to Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, 2nd Lord Houghton Part 17 Aug. 1885
No. 118 Letter from Joseph Taylor, Chairman of the Pontefract Liberal Association, to Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, 2nd Lord Houghton Part 14 Aug. 1885
No. 120 Letter from James William Davis, Secretary of the Yorkshire Geographical & Polytechnic Society, to Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, 2nd Lord Houghton Part 17 Aug. 1885
No. 122 Letter from Mark Stainsby to Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, 2nd Lord Houghton Part 14 Aug. 1885
2 Mock-epitaphs on Richard Monckton Milnes Item [n.d.]
28 Two corrected proof sheets for Thomas Wemyss Reid's Life, Letters, and Friendships of Richard Monckton Milnes, First Lord Houghton Item May. 1886-Oct. 1887
30 Note by James Pope Hennessy on Lord Houghton Item [1940s?]
31 Cutting from the Times with review of the first volume of James Pope Hennessy's biography of Lord Houghton Item 15 Feb. 1950
2 Schooling File 1820-[mid-1820s]
5 Congratulations on marriage File 1851