Level of description
Digital object |
98 |
Foreign Affairs Committee |
File |
1964 |
104 |
Steering Committee 1963. Agenda and minutes, reports on various aspects of policy |
File |
1963 |
112 |
Correspondence re student yearbook contribution, Nottingham Young conservatives' Christmas message, Conservative Colleges Ltd Annual General Meeting, Association of Conservative Clubs magazine, Conservative Teachers' Association presidency |
File |
1954–1955 |
1 |
Programme of Annual Conference, Blackpool |
File |
1950 |
3 |
Labelled 'General file 1955-7' |
File |
1955–1957 |
21 |
Prospective candidates. Three stock letters from Central Office |
File |
1956 |
24 |
File labelled 'Miscellaneous letters - from Miss Yonge, Conservative Central office (and invitations) 1960' |
File |
1959–1960 |
25 |
Conservative Central Office miscellaneous correspondence, much with Felicity Yonge |
File |
1960 |
29 |
"People and politics" |
File |
1961 |
37 |
"Onward in Freedom" |
File |
1953 |
42 |
Conservative Research Department'Miscellaneous papers 1961' |
File |
1961 |
43 |
Interim report on Policy Committee on future of social services, with correspondence on same |
File |
1961–1962 |
46 |
Paper by Michael Fraser entitled 'The Conservative Research Department and Conservative recovery after 1945' |
File |
1942–1961 |
58 |
Conservative Political Centre pamphlets, with covering letters. One two-way topic sheet |
File |
n.d. and 196–1964 |
66 |
Central Committee on Post-War Problems file no. 3A Central Council Meetings of the Party |
File |
1941–1943 |
73 |
Central Committee on Post-War Problems file no. 10 Forestry Sub-Committee |
File |
1942–1943 |
75 |
Central Committee on Post-War Problems file no. 12 Industrial and Finance Sub-Committee |
File |
1942–1944 |
82 |
Central Committee on Post-War Problems file no. 18 Colonial Sub-Committee |
File |
1944–1945 |
84 |
Central Committee on Post-War Problems file no 20 Ad Hoc Committee on Beveridge |
File |
1944 |
87 |
Central Education Committee general folder |
File |
1935–1938 |
89 |
Central Education Committee, communications with the Secretary to the Committee, including agenda |
File |
1937–1939 |
92 |
Industrial Policy Committee Main correspondence file re The Industrial Charter - a statement of Conservative industrial policy. |
File |
1946–1948 |
94 |
Conservative Advisory Committee on Policy 'Vol. I'. |
File |
1950–1951 |
97 |
Commonwealth Affairs Committee |
File |
1963–1964 |
99 |
'Party programme 1944'. Introduction and two drafts of paper by RAB on future policy, speech by Anthony Eden on similar lines |
File |
1944 and n.d. |
105 |
Steering Committee 1964. Agenda and meeting papers, notes for RAB as chairman of some meetings |
File |
1964 |
108 |
Election Business Committee |
File |
1964 |
109 |
Election Business Committee |
File |
1964 |