
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
190 Postcard from J[ohn] B[ ] to Clive Bell Item [10 Aug 1937]
191 Postcard from J[ohn] B[ ] to Clive Bell Item [3 Oct 1937]
206 Postcard from Mary Pakenham to Clive Bell Item [15 Sep 1958]
207 Postcard from Peter [Quennell] to Clive Bell Item [9 Apr 1936]
211 Postcard from Ralph [Partridge] to Clive Bell Item [n.d.]
212 Postcard from Quentin [Bell] to Clive Bell Item [2 Jun 1939]
214 Postcard from Quentin Bell to Clive Bell Item [18 Aug 1948]
237 Postcard from Marie Laure to Clive Bell Item [17 Jan 1939]
239 Postcard from Eardley [Knollys] to Clive Bell Item 9 Jul [ ]
240 Postcard from Ben Nicolson to Clive Bell Item [n.d.]
241 Postcard from Ben [Nicolson] to Clive Bell Item [30 Apr 1945]
246 Postcard from A[ndré] [Dunoyer de Segonzac] to Clive Bell Item [n.d.]
249 Postcard from Jenny de Margerie to Clive Bell Item [Dec 1950]
260 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [28 Apr 1939]
261 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [1939]
262 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [1938]
269 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [20 Jul 1948]
272 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [28 Aug 1950]
273 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item 26 [ ] [1950]
275 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [14 Apr 1953]
276 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [22 Aug 1952]
284 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [27 Apr 1958]
285 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [12 Jun 1959]
286 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [8 Nov 1960]
287 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item Tues [1 May 1962]
290 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [n.d.]
291 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item 11 [n.d.
293 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item 8 May [n.d.]
298 Postcard from Raymond Mortimer to Clive Bell Item 5 May [1939]
299 Postcard from Raymond Mortimer to Clive Bell Item [29 Sep 1946]