
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
60 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [24 Sep 1931]
63 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [6 Oct 1931]
71 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [15 Jan 1932]
76 Envelope addressed to Vanessa Bell Item [8 Mar 1932]
78 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [15 Mar 1932]
79 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Wed [6 Apr 1932]
83 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Tues [30 Jun 1932]
87 Envelope addressed to Vanessa Bell Item 4 [ ] [1932]
88 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Good Friday [25 Mar 1932]
90 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [4 Feb 1933]
96 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [31 Jul 1934]
106 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [23 Nov 1939]
111 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [1939]
114 Letter from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Tues [n.d.]
119 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [1948]
120 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [22 Aug 1949]
124 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [26 Feb 1954]
126 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [13 May 1954]
127 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [1956]
128 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [1956]
132 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [11 Apr 1957]
135 Picture of Pierre Loti stuck on a decorated card. from [ ] to Quentin Bell Item [n.d.]
144 Postcard from Duncan Grant to Clive Bell Item 30 Sep [1963]
148 Postcard from John and Véra Russell to Clive Bell Item [30 [ ] 1957]
184 Postcard from Julian [Bell] to Clive Bell Item [2 Nov 1934]
186 Postcard from Barbara [Bagenal] to Clive Bell Item Sun [5 Dec 1948]
195 Postcard from Gina [ ] to Clive Bell Item [5 Nov 1945]
197 Postcard from Jeanette [ ] to her parents Item Jul 1918
199 Strip of photographs with a note on back Item [n.d.]
201 Postcard from Pablo Picasso to Clive Bell Item 16 [ ] 1958