
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
145 Copy of a letter from Robert H Jackson to H Lauterpacht in Piero Sraffa's hand Item 2 Feb 1951
148 Jugoslovenska Autorska Agencija to Piero Sraffa Item 13 Dec 1976
152 Michal Kalecki to Piero Sraffa with a draft telegram of condolence to Anna Kalecki File 1945,70
153 Augustus M Kelley to Piero Sraffa Item 4 Jun 1969
160 Piero Sraffa to Shinzo Koizumi with a copy draft to [ ] Tsushida concerning Koizumi's letters File 1956,69
164 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa, J and B de Largentaye File 1964–70
165 L Lattes to Angelo Sraffa Item 19 Oct 1928
167 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Ivan Lavrac with a letter from Aubrey Silberston File 1967
175 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Mario Loria with a letter from Wicksell to Achille Loria and information on the Pantaleoni family File [1916]-62
178 Giancarlo Lucatelli to Piero Sraffa Item 26 May 1972
181 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and The Manchester Guardian File 1927
188 Raffaele Mattioli to Piero Sraffa File 1950–73
192 Nina Milla to Piero Sraffa File 1968–73
198 Italo Montanari [ P Togliatti] Item 24 May 1933
200 Pietro Monti to Piero Sraffa enclosing "Sraffa, ottantenne in collegio" from La Stampa File 29 May 1981
204 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Lorenzo Mossa File 1947
215 Tressilian Nicholas to Piero Sraffa File 27 Dec 1971
218 Anne-Marie Nordly to Piero Sraffa File 1952–53
222 Werner and Erika Obrecht to Piero Sraffa Item 9 Dec 1962
225 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Mary J O'Reilley File Jun 1953
226 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Giulietta and Vittoria Ottolenghi File 1967–71
233 Gaetano Pecora to Piero Sraffa with a copy letter from H J Easterling to Pecora File 7 August 1979
239 Arthur Pigou to Piero Sraffa with a copy of a letter from Pigou in Piero Sraffa's hand and a letter from Antonio Segni File 1928–29
242 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Alfred Pongiglione File 1965
244 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa, Ezra Pound and C H Douglas File 1930–31
245 Arturo Pregliasco to Piero Sraffa Item 25 Aug 1967
248 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Elio Quercioli, with a newscutting on the death of Carlo Gramsci File 1968
254 Camilla Ravera to Piero Sraffa Series 1969–75
256 Anne Redpath to Piero Sraffa Item 10 Jun [ ]
259 Piero Sraffa to [Arnaldo] Orfila Reynal Item n.d.