Correspondence of other near relatives of Lord Houghton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Letters from Charlotte Elizabeth Burlton Bennett to Richard Monckton Milnes File [early 1843?]-1851
4 Letters from John Robert Burlton Bennett to Richard Monckton Milnes File 16 Sept. 1844-21 Aug. 1856
11 Letters from John Hawkshaw to Lord Houghton re William Frind Charles Burlton Bennett File 24 Jul. 1866-2 Aug. 1866
14 Letter from Robert Milnes Newton to his cousin Richard Monckton Milnes Item [late 1830s?]
22 Letter from Samuel Thornton to his great-nephew Richard Monckton Milnes Item 19 Mar. 1838 [postmark]
26 Letter from Martha Mary Anne Thornhill, née Waddington, to her cousin Richard Monckton Milnes Item [2 May 1847?]
27 Letters from Mary Anne Waddington to her nephew Richard Monckton Milnes File [Jan?] 1828-[1851?]
2 Letter from Editha Burlton Bennett to Lord Houghton Item 27 Oct. [1876?]
7 William Anthony Burlton Bennett: Miscellaneous letters received File 1 Nov. [mid 1840s]-2 Dec. 1879
8 William Anthony Burlton Bennett: Miscellaneous File [late 1820s?]-[late 1870s?]
10 Letter from Ann Hawkshaw to her son-in-law William Frind Charles Burlton Bennett Item 18 Jan. [1869?]
15 Letter from William Newton [?] to his nephew Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1843?]
16 Letters from Edward Parry Thornton to Richard Monckton Milnes File 20 Aug. 1842-7 Sept. 1851
19 Letter from John Thornton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 11 Mar. [1842]
20 Transcript of part of a letter, [late 1829], from Lucy Thornton to her sister Marianne Thornton Item [19th cent.?]
24 Letters from Henry Spencer Waddington to his nephew Richard Monckton Milnes File 18 Jul. 1838-[1850s?]
32 Letters from Marmaduke Wyvill to his cousin Richard Monckton Milnes File 6 Apr. 1834-2 May [1847?]
3 Letter from Henry Anthony Burlton Bennett to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 17 Aug. 1855 View
9 Letters from William Frind Charles Burlton Bennett to Lord Houghton File [1866?]
18 Letter from Jane Raikes, née Thornton, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 12 May [1840]
28 Letter from (Susanna) Emily Waddington to her cousin Richard Monckton Milnes Item [Mar. 1841]
30 Letter from Catherine Henrietta Barclay, née Wyvill, to her brother Christopher Edward Wyvill File [1840 or later]
34 Letters from Sarah Maria Wyvill to her cousin Richard Monckton Milnes File [1833?]-[c 1840]
5 Letters from Marian Burlton Bennett to Richard Monckton Milnes File 1 Jun. [1847/1848?]-19 Jun. 1851
6 Letters from William Anthony Burlton Bennett to Richard Monckton Milnes File 6 Nov. [mid 1840s]-6 Feb. 1882
12 Letters from Elizabeth Rachel Wood, née Newton, to her cousin Richard Monckton Milnes File 10 Mar. 1841-20 Apr. [1847]
13 Letters from Francis Rodes Newton to his cousin Richard Monckton Milnes File 5 Sept. 1843-3 Spet. 1871
17 Letters from Francis Vansittart Thornton to Richard Monckton Milnes File 19 Jan. 1837-2 Jan. 1843
21 Letter from [?] Marianne Thornton to her brother Henry Sykes Thornton Item [c 1880?]
23 Letters from Samuel Thornton to Richard Monckton Milnes File 21 Feb. 1835-9 Aug. 1848