Trinity College Library correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
75-77 Letters from Sir John Edwin Sandys to A. F. Scholfield Item Jan.-Feb. 1922
80 Letters from H. M. Swanwick to A. F. Scholfield Item 8, 19 Nov. 1922
88-89 Letters from H. W. Todhunter to the Trinity College Librarian [A. F. Scholfield] Item 13, 18 Nov. 1919
93 Letter from Paget Toynbee to the Trinity College Librarian [A. F. Scholfield] Item 23 June 1920
101 Letter from Monier Williams to the Master of Trinity College [William H. Thompson] Item 29 Sept. 1869
5 Letter from W. Emery Barnes to [Cecil Baldwin] Hurry Item 8 Mar. 1919
6 Letter from W. H. B. Bird to A. G. W. Murray Item 22 Oct. 1913
10 Letter from A. E. Burn to [the Trinity College Librarian, A. G. W. Murray?] Item 11 June 1915
11-12 Letters from Agnata Butler to [A. G. W.] Murray Item Feb., Mar. [1918?]
15-16 Letters from John Willis Clark to [Charles Gray?] Item 1862, 1866
23 Letter from L. F. Everest to the Trinity College Librarian [A. G. W. Murray] Item 29 Nov. 1917
24 Letter from T. Gambier Parry to Robert Sinker Item 7 Mar. 1887
25-27 Letters from M. Gaster to William Aldis Wright Item 1908-1909
34 Letter from R. Griffith to the Master of Trinity College [William Whewell] Item 21 Oct. 1869
38 Letter from Hartwig Hirschfeld to [the Trinity College Librarian, W. W. Greg?] Item 7 May 1911
51 Letter from H. R. Luard to Robert Sinker Item 5 Nov. 1880
53 Letter from J. M. E. McTaggart to A. F. Scholfield Item 18 Nov. 1921
56 Letter from Max Müller to the Master and Seniors of Trinity College Item 22 Nov. 1869
63 Note from Robert Potts to [the Master and Fellows of Trinity College?] Item 4 June 1877
64 Letter from G. L. Prendergast to W. A. Wright Item 19 Apr. 1869
69-72 Letters from Reinhold Rost to William Aldis Wright Item Feb.-June 1869
1-2 Lord Acton's book slips Item 1896, [189-]
3 Letter from George Biddell Airy to the Trinity College Librarian [Robert Sinker] Item 2 May 1884
4 Note from Lord Abinger to [the Trinity College Librarian] Item [19--?]
9 Letter from William Boyce to [the Trinity College Librarian, James Ind Smith?] Item 18 May 1845
17 Letter from T. J. Cobden-Sanderson to Sir Joseph Thomson Item 10 Aug. 1922
18 Letter from Alfred John De Vidil to the Trinity College Librarian [William Aldis Wright] Item 14 Dec. 1865
19 Letter from Joseph Edleston to [William Aldis] Wright Item 9 Nov. 1863
20 Letter from J. M. Edmonds to [A. F.] Scholfield Item 15 June 1921
21-22 Letters from Charles Evans to William Aldis Wright Item 1899, 1901