Crewe Manuscripts

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
f. 35v Letterpress title-page of Bellamy’s Picturesque Magazine and Literary Museum, Vol. I (London) Part 1793
f. 40r Engraved title-page of Medical and Chirurgical Observations as an Appendix to a former Publication, by Benjamin Gooch (London, 1773) Part 1773
f. 41r Engraved title-page of Itinerarium, ofte, Schip-Vaert naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien, by Jan Huyghen van Linschoten (Amsterdam, 1644) Part 1644
f. 46r Engraved title-page of Meditations and Contemplations, by James Hervey (John Bourne & Evans, 1809) Part 1809
f. 49r Engraved title-page of Tractatus de casibus conscientiae, by Friedrich Balduin (Frankfurt, 1654) Part 1654
f. 52r Engraved title-page of Traité général du commerce, by Samuel Ricard, 4th ed. (Amsterdam, 1721) Part 1721
f. 54r Engraved title-page of De Dis Syris syntagmata II, by John Selden, editio novissima (Leipzig, 1672) Part 1672
f. 55r Frontispiece from a volume of The Virtuoso’s Companion and Coin Collector’s Guide, by M. Denton and T. Prattent (8 vols.; London, 1795–7) Part 1796 x 1797
f. 63r Title-page of Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum qui de XXXI supersunt libri XVIII (Paris: Jean Camusat, 1636), including an engraved device Part 1636
f. 65r Frontispiece of The Self Interpreting Bible, by John Brown (London: R. Evans, 1814) Part 1814
f. 77r Engraved title-page of Mythologie, by Natale Conti, translated by Jean de Montlyard (Rouen, 1611) Part 1611
f. 79r Frontispiece of a volume of The Roman History, by Laurence Echard (London, 1695 x 1719) Part 1695 x 1719
f. 86r Frontispiece of The Christian Sacrifice, by Simon Patrick (1671 or later) Part 1671 or later
f. 91 Engraved section-title for ‘Lindsey’, from A Selection of Views in the County of Lincoln (London, 1801–5) Part 1801–5
f. 101r Engraving from an unidentified book Part 18th c.?
f. 102r Engraved title-page of The Psalter, or, Psalmes of David, of that translation which is used in common prayer (Christopher Barker, c. 1579) Part c. 1579
f. 105r Etched title-page of A Treatise of English Particles, by William Walker, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th ed. (London: Robert Pawlet, 1673 x 1683) Part 1673 x 1683
f. 106r Engraved title-page of Thooneel der Steden ende Sterckten van t’ Vereenight Nederlandt … [or] Theatre des villes et fortresses des Provinces Unies, a collection of etchings by Gaspar Bouttats from drawings by Jan Peeters I (Antwerp, 1675) Part 1675
f. 108r Engraved title-page of The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe (London: J. & J. Cundee, c. 1810)) Part c. 1810
f. 121r Frontispiece of a ‘magazine’, perhaps The New Universal Magazine (1751–5) Part 1751–5
f. 123r Engraved illustration from an unidentified book Part 18th c.
f. 126r Title-page of Instructiones historico-theologicae, by John Forbes (Amsterdam, 1702), including an engraved device Part 1702
f. 128r Title-page of D. Junii Juvenalis Satyrarum libri V … [et] A. Flacci Persi Satyrarum liber unus, ed. Eilhard Lubin (Hanover, 1603) Part 1603
f. 129r Frontispiece of The Christians Defence against the Fears of Death, by Charles Drelincourt, translated by Marius d’Assigny (1720?) Part 1720?
f. 132r Frontispiece of The Royal Engagement Pocket Atlas for the Year MDCCCXII (1811) Part 1811
f. 141r Frontispiece of the London Magazine, Vol. XXXV (London, 1766) Part 1766
f. 142r Frontispiece of The Penitent Pardon’d, by John Goodman, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd ed. (London, 1679, 1683, or 1689) Part 1679, 1683, or 1689
f. 143r Frontispiece of Meditations and Contemplations, by James Hervey (Bungay: C. Brightly and T. Kinnersley, 1807) Part 1807
f. 146r Engraved title-page of L’Astree, by Honoré d’Urfé, quatriesme partie (Paris: Fr. Pomeray, 1624) Part 1624
f. 148 Frontispiece of an unidentified book Part c. 1800