Level of description
Digital object |
f. 35v |
Letterpress title-page of Bellamy’s Picturesque Magazine and Literary Museum, Vol. I (London) |
Part |
1793 |
f. 40r |
Engraved title-page of Medical and Chirurgical Observations as an Appendix to a former Publication, by Benjamin Gooch (London, 1773) |
Part |
1773 |
f. 41r |
Engraved title-page of Itinerarium, ofte, Schip-Vaert naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien, by Jan Huyghen van Linschoten (Amsterdam, 1644) |
Part |
1644 |
f. 46r |
Engraved title-page of Meditations and Contemplations, by James Hervey (John Bourne & Evans, 1809) |
Part |
1809 |
f. 49r |
Engraved title-page of Tractatus de casibus conscientiae, by Friedrich Balduin (Frankfurt, 1654) |
Part |
1654 |
f. 52r |
Engraved title-page of Traité général du commerce, by Samuel Ricard, 4th ed. (Amsterdam, 1721) |
Part |
1721 |
f. 54r |
Engraved title-page of De Dis Syris syntagmata II, by John Selden, editio novissima (Leipzig, 1672) |
Part |
1672 |
f. 55r |
Frontispiece from a volume of The Virtuoso’s Companion and Coin Collector’s Guide, by M. Denton and T. Prattent (8 vols.; London, 1795–7) |
Part |
1796 x 1797 |
f. 63r |
Title-page of Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum qui de XXXI supersunt libri XVIII (Paris: Jean Camusat, 1636), including an engraved device |
Part |
1636 |
f. 65r |
Frontispiece of The Self Interpreting Bible, by John Brown (London: R. Evans, 1814) |
Part |
1814 |
f. 77r |
Engraved title-page of Mythologie, by Natale Conti, translated by Jean de Montlyard (Rouen, 1611) |
Part |
1611 |
f. 79r |
Frontispiece of a volume of The Roman History, by Laurence Echard (London, 1695 x 1719) |
Part |
1695 x 1719 |
f. 86r |
Frontispiece of The Christian Sacrifice, by Simon Patrick (1671 or later) |
Part |
1671 or later |
f. 91 |
Engraved section-title for ‘Lindsey’, from A Selection of Views in the County of Lincoln (London, 1801–5) |
Part |
1801–5 |
f. 101r |
Engraving from an unidentified book |
Part |
18th c.? |
f. 102r |
Engraved title-page of The Psalter, or, Psalmes of David, of that translation which is used in common prayer (Christopher Barker, c. 1579) |
Part |
c. 1579 |
f. 105r |
Etched title-page of A Treatise of English Particles, by William Walker, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th ed. (London: Robert Pawlet, 1673 x 1683) |
Part |
1673 x 1683 |
f. 106r |
Engraved title-page of Thooneel der Steden ende Sterckten van t’ Vereenight Nederlandt … [or] Theatre des villes et fortresses des Provinces Unies, a collection of etchings by Gaspar Bouttats from drawings by Jan Peeters I (Antwerp, 1675) |
Part |
1675 |
f. 108r |
Engraved title-page of The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe (London: J. & J. Cundee, c. 1810)) |
Part |
c. 1810 |
f. 121r |
Frontispiece of a ‘magazine’, perhaps The New Universal Magazine (1751–5) |
Part |
1751–5 |
f. 123r |
Engraved illustration from an unidentified book |
Part |
18th c. |
f. 126r |
Title-page of Instructiones historico-theologicae, by John Forbes (Amsterdam, 1702), including an engraved device |
Part |
1702 |
f. 128r |
Title-page of D. Junii Juvenalis Satyrarum libri V … [et] A. Flacci Persi Satyrarum liber unus, ed. Eilhard Lubin (Hanover, 1603) |
Part |
1603 |
f. 129r |
Frontispiece of The Christians Defence against the Fears of Death, by Charles Drelincourt, translated by Marius d’Assigny (1720?) |
Part |
1720? |
f. 132r |
Frontispiece of The Royal Engagement Pocket Atlas for the Year MDCCCXII (1811) |
Part |
1811 |
f. 141r |
Frontispiece of the London Magazine, Vol. XXXV (London, 1766) |
Part |
1766 |
f. 142r |
Frontispiece of The Penitent Pardon’d, by John Goodman, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd ed. (London, 1679, 1683, or 1689) |
Part |
1679, 1683, or 1689 |
f. 143r |
Frontispiece of Meditations and Contemplations, by James Hervey (Bungay: C. Brightly and T. Kinnersley, 1807) |
Part |
1807 |
f. 146r |
Engraved title-page of L’Astree, by Honoré d’Urfé, quatriesme partie (Paris: Fr. Pomeray, 1624) |
Part |
1624 |
f. 148 |
Frontispiece of an unidentified book |
Part |
c. 1800 |