Disarmament Conference

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 'A Practical Plan for Disarmament: Draft treaty of disarmament and security prepared by an American group' published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Item Aug 1924
5 Newscutting from The Times including a report on a speech by Austen Chamberlain File 1927
6 Newscutting from The Times on the speech of Stanley Baldwin on disarmament Item 4 Nov 1927
7 Newscutting from The Times on Parliamentary debate on the disarmament conference Item 17 Nov 1927
8 Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, committee on arbitration and security Item 6 Feb 1928
10 Observations of the British Government on the working of the Sub-committee on Security of the Preparatory Committee on Disarmament Item 1928
11 Newscuttings relating to matters concerning the disarmament conference Item 1928
13 Report of the third session of the Committee on Arbitration and Security of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference Item 5 Jul 1928
14 'The Pact of Paris for the Renunciation of War' published by the League of Nations Union Item Oct 1928
3 Newscutting from 'The Times' containing a speech by Ramsay MacDonald on disarmament Item 4 Sep 1924
12 Report of the second session of the Committee on Arbitration and Security of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference Item 14 Mar 1928
15 Report in 'The Times' of President Coolidge's armistice day speech Item 12 Nov 1928
1 Newscutting from 'The Times' on a speech of Hugh Gibson, the US representative on the Preparatory Disarmament Commission Item 23 Apr 1924
4 "Reduction of armaments: arbitration, security, disarmament and the work of the preparatory commission for the disarmament conference" Item 23 Sep 1927
9 Newscutting from The Times on a speech by Austen Chamberlain on foreign policy Item 9 Feb 1928