
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Draft headed 'Mathematical Prodigies' Item [c 1914]
2 Draft headed 'The Need for an Organisation to Provide Material for Genetic Research' Item [c 1917]
5 Draft headed 'Fair and Dark: Is there a Pre-dominant type?' Item [c 1920]
9 Draft headed 'Cold in its Relations to the Forms of Matter' Item [n.d.]
6 Draft headed 'The Inheritance of Wing Colour in Lepidoptera: III. Melanism in Boarmia consorteria' Item [c. 1920]
1 Draft piece on the production of perfumes Item [c 1921?]
3 Notes on the chemical composition of plant-based perfumes Item [c 1921?]
10-11 Drafts headed 'The Colour of Shadows. By H. Onslow' Item [n.d]
1B Draft headed 'Genetic Research and Eugenic Legislation: The need for some organisation to provide and procure the material of genetic research' Item [c 1917]
3 Draft headed 'The Need for an Organisation to Provide Material for Genetic Research' Item [c 1917]
7 Draft pieces on the production of perfumes, with associated notes File [c. 1921?]
2 Draft, '"Tea-taster" or Tea-smeller' Item [c 1921?]
5 Pieces taken from The Perfumery and Essential Oil Record Item May 1921-8 Jul 1921
8 Draft of 'On a Method of Estimating the Tryptophane Content of Caseinogen, Based on Determinations of the Nitrogen Values of the Mercuric Sulphate Precipitate File [c 1922]
12 Draft headed 'The Colour of Yellow Flowers. By H. Onslow' Item [n.d]
4 Draft headed 'Science and the War' Item [after 1918]
4 Notes taken from 'Oliver and Körner' on plant-based and artificial perfumes Item [c 1921?]