William Whewell: miscellaneous letters, diaries, Vice-Chancellor's cash book, writings, Robert Leslie Ellis notebooks, and a collection of franks

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
10 Letter from John Willis Clark to William Aldis Wright Item 10 Mar. 1890
12 Letter from William G. Clark to Adam Sedgwick Item 14 Dec. 1859
13 Letter from William G. Clark to Adam Sedgwick Item 30 Dec. 1859
14 Letter from William G. Clark to Adam Sedgwick Item 20 Feb. 1860
28 "Thoughts on the subject of the Greek Testament Prize" Item [19th cent.]
31 Letter from William F. S. Ponsonby Item 15 Oct. 1848
37 Letter from Mr Staniforth Item 1 Sept. 1858
39 Letter from Charles E. Law Item 4 July 1842
46 Letter from John Evelyn Denison, Viscount Ossington Item 5 July [1859]
47 Letter from H. Hasse Item 30 Oct. [18--]
52 Letter from William Parsons Item 2 Feb. 1845
54 Letter from William Harness Item 23 Aug. 1851
55 Letter from George Bevan Item 25 June 1860
62 Letter from M. Theresa Lister to Mrs J. Marshall Item [19th cent.]
68 Letter from G. Parkman Item 26 Nov. 1860
70 Letter from Andrew Amos Item 26 Dec. 1852
72 Letter from Mr Fletcher Item 5 Dec. [18--]
75 Letter from Harriet [Faithful?] Item [19th cent.]
77 Letter from John Stuart Item 6 July [18--]
80-81 Letters from Henry Taylor Item 1852, 1854
87 Letter from James Cohen Item 11 Apr. 1845
90 Incomplete letter from an unidentified person Item 14 July 1847
100 Letter from G. Beauclerc Item 31 Aug. 1854
105 Invitation from Jane Davy to Jane Marshall Item [19th cent.]
110 Letter from Perrot Liardi Item 16 Oct. 1860
130 Copy of a letter from "Dundreary" in Punch Item [16 May 1874]
132 Letter from Grenville T. Temple to John Marshall Item [1834]
134 Letter from Henry Taylor Item 4 Jan. 1858
137-138 Letters from J. Hippolyte de Saint-Anthoine Item Jan.-Feb. 1840
140 Letter from George W. Lyttelton Item 28 Feb. 1840