Family papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
15 Diary Item 1901
17 Diary Item 1903
22 Diary Item 1908
23 Diary Item 1909
25 Diary Item 1911
27 Diary Item 1913
28 Diary Item 1914
30 Diary Item 1916
2 Number not in use Item
3 Travel Journal: Greece Item 18 March-17 Apr. 1892
6 Sermons Subseries 1892-1916
5 Sermon preached at Trinity College to the 5th Officer Cadet Battalion Item 7 May 1916
2 Note, perhaps relating to the above, on a "iocularia" which may have been a humorous poem on H M Butler's dog Item n.d.
8 Notes of the more familiar authors of modern classical verse Item 20 July 1912
10 Testimonials in support of H M Butler's application to become Headmaster of Harrow Series 1859
1 Testimonial for the post of headmaster from William Johnson Item 4 Oct 1859
4 Testimonial for the post of headmaster from W H Thompson Item 17 Oct 1859
5 Testimonial for the post of headmaster from J B Lightfoot Item 18 Oct 1859
10 Testimonial for the post of Headmaster from C. E. Trevelyan Item 30 Oct 1859
1 Suggestions by W W R Ball Item [1901]
1 Poetry by H. M. Butler Item 1853-1879
3 Poetry by H. M. Butler Item 1890-1895
5 Poetry by H. M. Butler Item 1900-1905
15 Miscellaneous Series 1846-1919
4 List of silver given to George Butler, H. M. Butler, and Agnata F. Butler Item c 1889
5 Congratulatory address to H. M. Butler by the Fellows of Trinity on his eightieth birthday Item 2 July 1913
6a Printed memorial for Lieut. Gordon Kerr Montagu Butler, Scottish Horse Item [1916]
7 Order of service for H. M. Butler's funeral at Harrow Item 17 Jan. 1918
8 Newscutting from The Times on H. M. Butler's funeral Item Jan. 1918
9 Letter from A. A. Hunter to Agnata Butler Item 1919