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7 |
Letter from John Paget to Count George [György] Károlyi |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
10 |
Letter from John Paget to [Antal?] Tasner |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
2 |
Letter of credit and letter of indication from Coutts & Co for Richard Monckton Milnes |
Item |
15 Aug. 1851 |
4 |
Bill for Grand Hôtel Royal, Bonn |
Item |
19-20 Aug. 1851 |
8 |
Bill for Hôtel de l'Europe, Baden |
Item |
29 Aug.-4 Sept. 1851 |
11 |
Bill for Gasthof zu den Drei Mohren, Augsburg |
Item |
7-9 Sept. 1851 |
13 |
Bill for purchases from Verlag von angefangenen Damen-Arbetein, Kärntnerstrasse No. 969, Vienna |
Item |
24 Sept. 1851 |
15 |
Bill for purchases from Francis [Franz] Steigerwald, glass manufacturer |
Item |
[Nov. 1851?] |
17 |
Letter from August Koch to Richard Monckton Milnes |
Item |
14 Nov. 1851 |
1 |
Letters of introduction written by John Paget to acquaintances in Hungary for Richard Monckton Milnes |
File |
Jul.-Aug. 1851 |
1 |
Letter from John Paget to [Ferenc?] Deák |
Item |
10 Aug. 1851 |
4 |
Letter from John Paget to Count János Bethlen |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
11 |
Letter from John Paget to Count Joseph [József] Teleki |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
13 |
Envelope addressed to Richard Monckton Milnes |
Item |
[Jul. 1851] |
14 |
Bill for purchase from Jos. Türck et Sohn, Kohlmarkt, Wien [Vienna] |
Item |
[Sept. 1851?] |
20 |
Bill from J. & R. McCracken, import/export merchants and shipping agents, for consignment from A[ugust] Koch |
Item |
27 Nov. 1851 |
22 |
Letter from J. & R. McCracken, import/export merchants and shipping agents, to Richard Monckton Milnes |
Item |
3 Dec. 1851 |
25 |
Memorandum from F. Stubbin of the Great Northern and East Lincolnshire Railway to Richard Monckton Milnes |
Item |
25 Dec. 1851 |
3 |
Letter from John Paget to Baron François [Ferenc] Wesselényi |
Item |
[Jul./Aug.] 1851 |
5 |
Letter from John Paget to Baron Farkas Wesselényi |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
3 |
Bill for Hôtel Disch, Coeln [Cologne/Köln] |
Item |
18-19 [Aug. 1851] |
10 |
Bill for [Hotel] König von Württemberg, Stuttgart |
Item |
5-6 Sept. 1851 |
18 |
Letter from Schaar & Clauss to Richard Monckton Milnes |
Item |
29 Nov. 1851 |
21 |
Bill from J. & R. McCracken, import/export merchants and shipping agents, for delivery of porcelain from H[elena] Wolfsohn |
Item |
29 Nov. 1851 |
24 |
Letter from J. & R. McCracken, import/export merchants and shipping agents, to Richard Monckton Milnes |
Item |
12 Dec. 1851 |
2 |
Letter from John Paget to Baron M[ichael/Mihaly?] Brukenthal |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
6 |
Letter from John Paget to Jozefa, Countess Sandor Bethlen |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
8 |
Letter from John Paget to Count Sámuel Teleki |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
9 |
Letter from John Paget to Baron Sigmund [Zsigmond] Kemény |
Item |
28 Jul. 1851 |
5 |
Bill for Hôtel de Russie, Francfort [Frankfurt] |
Item |
22-25 Aug. 1851 |