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O./18.6/1 · Item · 1856
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Copy dated 1856 on cover, but drawn up 22 Aug. 1853, by J. [?] F. Delmar, 7 Lincoln's Inn Fields. Indenture between John Broadhurst and Thomas Ambrose Shaw. Pencil annotations to heading alters it to 'Abstract of title of Lord Macaulay's Executors to Holly Lodge..'

O./11.12/1 · Part · 11 Sept. 1876
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

19 Birchin Lane, London, E. C. - Everyone was pleased to see him when he came home 'which made it a little better coming back'; has just written to his sister sending the £1 so now everything is settled. The pictures of the 'Scandal' [FitzGerald and Joseph 'Posh' Fletcher's schooner] and FitzGerald's house 'have been very much admired'. Mr Wylie though he was looking much better. Thinks it would 'please Uncle Edward [Byles Cowell]' to hear how he has spent his holiday; will write and tell him.

Notes on German vocabulary in Edward FitzGerald's hand on the outside pages of the letter.

O./15.45/1 · Item · 1841-1853
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

A journal recording his work as Master of Trinity College, with notes on letters sent and received and in addition, drafts of 74 letters, listed separately according to the page number of the journal on which each letter begins. An index in the hand of Janet Douglas is tipped in at front.

O./18.7/10 · Item · [late Jun. 1875]
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

40 Ennismore Gardens. - Has received Ellis' letter, with the copy of that from Napier, and forwarded them to his father; it seems plain they will 'not be able to avoid legal proceedings'; has asked his father to arrange a meeting with Ellis. Marked by Ellis as received on 30 Jun. 1875.