Drayton Mansions, Drayton Gardens, S.W. - Forwards a [book? or the enclosed circular?] featuring his books 'The Crimea and Transcaucasia' and 'The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger' with quotations from the 'Saturday Review' and 'The Times' in the same hand on the front.
Writes on the death of Henry Sidgwick, and expresses his, Lady Acton's and others' sympathies on her 'dreadful loss'. Declares that he has lost 'the best of friends and colleagues...' Refers to the sympathy and admiration he felt for Henry in relation the manner in which he bore his illness. Reports that [Andrew?] Forsyth spent an hour discussing things with Sidgwick at Jebb's, 'and had no idea till long after that anything was wrong.' States that they were not aware of the gravity of the situation until three weeks earlier, when he met Nora with Arthur J. Balfour.
States that 'having so long and so eagerly looked out for any request for "letters"' the appearance of a notice in Macmillan's Magazine of the impending appearance of a memoir with Henry Sidgwick's letters has come as somewhat of a shock to her. Begs Nora's forgiveness if she has sent any of the enclosed letters [105/45/2-5], but Miss C[arter] does not remember copying them. If she ever tries 'to give some sketch of the inception' of her work on "Significs" she would certainly have to refer to Henry 'as being one of its first and greatest promoters'. Refers to the accompanying letters, and also to the assistance Henry gave her in conversation on the matter. She will be sorry if none of the letters appeared in the memoir. She has often lately longed to tell Henry 'of the abounding signs that the young world is beginning to see...that the key to one of the greatest of the human positions has been lost and must be found'; predicts that she will not live to see the result of such finding, but that it is enough to be allowed to help 'even so little or badly towards it'. Adds that there are many more short letters, but that they are chiefly about dates or places etc.
Accompanied by envelope, addressed to Nora Sidgwick at Newnham College, with MS notes in Nora's hand: 'Lady Welby/Copies of letters from Henry/Received too late to be considered for Memoir'.
Returns the obituary of Henry Sidgwick [included: 106/1B], which he describes as 'a very extraordinary production, and yet touching.' Supposes that 'her feeling pressed for utterance and she [Meta Benfey] thought it was so long ago that it did not matter'. Has translated the exordium and sent it to Minnie; thinks that he had said to Nora the previous night that he would send the translation of the Benfey article to her, but failed to send it, and so sent it to Minnie. With envelope addressed to Nora Sidgwick, postmarked 28 Nov 1906
Sans titreWW has been trying to find RJ all around the country: 'I had trusted to revive many old and acquire many new ideas: and more especially just now when I have cleared away the obstacles that stood between me and the speculations about wh. we used to talk I had anticipated much edifying discourse upon the past[,] the present and the future'. WW wanted to talk to RJ about 'the Review wh. Rose [Hugh James Rose] says is again labouring into existence' - WW does not think they 'have strength for it' yet.
Incomplete letter.
Thanks her for her letter. Thinks that his illness was due to something he ate. Declares that he enjoyed his visit to [London], and sent an account of the visit to [ ]. Reports that Mr Wheatley [his godfather] was very kind to the. Declares that he would like to see Miss Green [his former governess] if his mother can induce her to stay until he [and his brother William] come home. Refers to his mother's advice about his chess playing and assures her that he has not played more that five games 'since the beginning of the quarter...' Asks her to buy something for [his friend] Harry James out of his money. Explains how they were 'got into the 2nd class in German', and in relation to the play declares that they do not have to translate it themselves. Sends his love to all at home, 'including Elizabeth [Cooper]'.
References to the works of John Stuart Mill, William Hamilton and Herbert Spencer. Some later additions and annotations in Sidgwick's hand, and some pencilled annotations in another hand re. existing notes and on reverse of last page.
Gratefully acknowledges Sidgwick having ordered the 'Health Statistics' for him, which arrived the previous day. Discusses the idea of encouraging 'honor girls' into early marriages, and to have large families. Contends that the offspring of such women would 'on the average be hereditarily gifted', and asserts his desire 'to swamp the produce of the ordinary proletariat by a better stock.' Expresses his wish that a 'dower-fund, as an equivalent to fellowships' be established. Proposes that a selection process be instituted, involving a board of women selecting successful candidates from among 'honor women not exceeding 23 years of age, who had achieved such and such college success'. Suggests that a sum of £50 be paid to such women on their marriage 'and £25 on the birth of each and every living child'. Maintains that 'the payment on the birth of each child would maintain the college tie and interest, and such other indirect and favorably effect might be anticipated.' Proposes that 'four such exhibitions ... annually and for perpetuity might be provided for, if their probable utility was vouched for by sensible men after due consideration.' Asks Sidgwick to give the matter some thought.
Sans titreS. S. Mongolia - Has been reading the proof [of 'Totemism and Exogamy'?] and makes suggestions for changes to the section on Indian totemism.
[Blind embossed stamp of Royal College of Science, Dublin] - Describes in detail his disappointment on his return from his expedition to the Torres Strait, that the Department of Physical Anthropology has taken a medical turn, mentioning [Alexander] Macalister, [Wynfrid] Duckworth, [J. N.] Langley, Michael Foster; his prospects 'were never so unpromising for the last twenty years as they are at this present moment'.
Victoria University, University College, Liverpool - Thanks him for the book ['Passages of the Bible']; wishes someone would publish a Poetry of the Bible with a preface indicating the date and authorship of the Bible; thinks 'Purple Patches' a good name for a book and a good idea.
With a few miscellaneous notes.
Letter to Frances Jackson dated 12 Sept. 1846. The sermon, The Marriage in Cana of Galilee. A Sermon Referring to the 10th March, 1863 by W. H. Brookfield, London, 1863 carries an inscription to Olivia Jackson dated 10 March 1863.
Accompanied by a letter from Franz Bretano to Jackson dated 5 May 1912.
RJ looked at the appearance of a friend's first book with great pleasure [WW, 'An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics', 1819]: 'The Book they tell me is pronounced good but the introduction a puzzle - in truth I think while writing it you forgot for a moment the thick darkness by which you are surrounded - 9 tenths of the people old and young at Tonbridge I take it know exactly nothing about the question as to constant precessions of phenomena efficient courses[,]etc. and you have earnt nothing but abuse and curses by paying them the compliment of supposing they did - for myself I find fault with you for using the term necessary truth as applied to physical conclusions for thinking you escape, from what even you mean in spite of your former pretty promises to think the blot of an experimental foundation to your statics'. RJ believes WW does this by resorting to metaphysics. He thinks that one must always suppose some sort of experiment and induction before one can get through it to a physical conclusion - 'will you fight?'. RJ's Rectorship in Wales has been postponed. Rose [Hugh Rose] has been preaching at RJ's with 'great applause from the better sort as well as the mob'. Rose tells RJ 'that the old mathematics have died and faded away with scarcely an audible groan before the bright flood of analytic love which has been poured in upon them and you therefore I take it have been revelling uncontrolled in the luxury of long brackets filled with cabalistical characters - I give you joy but alas for the poor geometers! methinks I hear their mutterings loud and deep echo through the sympathising courts of St. Johns and Queens'.
Most printed extracts; one typewritten copy. With list: 'Sunday numbers of the Spectator containing contributions by Henry Sidgwick'