44pp typescript.
'MT 111 Algebra, Michaelmas Term 1966' lecture notes.
The Independent obituary dated 14 January 1989. The Times obituary dated 30 January 1989.
Includes untitled 12pp ms draft beginning 'Let be a principal ideal domain of coefficients'.
Papers on secondary operations.
'Course examinations January 1969 MT 111'; MT 111 vacation questions and model answers.
Includes arrangements for Atiyah's seminars in Cambridge.
Letters from C. S. Nicholls of the Dictionary of National Biography, Friedrich Hirzebruch, and Adrian Adams.
Miscellaneous ms notes etc.
Includes note on back of 1960 Trinity Hall register of addresses. Some sets of calculations have later annotations by Adams.
Correspondence 1973-74 re publication of Stable homotopy and generalised homology by Chicago University Press; 1975 Newsletters on GLA's (graded Lie algebras) by Kaplansky; 1979 poem in honour of S MacLane.
'Draft 3rd-year Geometry course' by Adams and J Peters; 'Draft Geometry Syllabus'.
'Examples - Pl Geometry', set of duplicated ms sheets for geometry classes 9 October - 11 December 1967.
Kassar, R G
'Geometry lecture notes'.
Includes letter from D Rees, nd, and C Hooley, 17 March 1966.
'Lectures on Lie Groups', (1969).
Letter from publishers, 22 November 1968.
'Algebraic Topology: a student's guide'. (1972).
Correspondence with publishers, July 1970.
Material assembled by I. M. James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir of Adams, with letters from Tony Bahri (includes photograph of Adams on top of a sculpture in 1983), Geoffrey Best, Peter Bousfield, and A. B. Clegg.
Miscellaneous notes.
MS notes on 'o) Jordan-Holder Theorem'.