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ONSL/1 · sub-fonds · 1903-1924
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Includes: a manuscript account of a tour by yacht on the Norfolk Broads, perhaps by Huia Onslow's governess Helen Moodie; several items from Onslow's time at Eton College, such as a printed programme for an Eton College Scientific Society Conversazione, in which Onslow features as demonstrator and lecturer and two copies of another lecture given by Onslow.

There are also pieces of creative work such as a poem, The Story of the Lost Ice Age, written at Eton for a prize, and a draft of a story, The Sobbing Water. Poems appear too with notes on ascents of the Croda del Lago and lists of books about the Dolomites, showing Onslow's interest in mountaineering. Also present are Onslow's translations of poems from Les Amours de I. du Bellay, by Joachim du Bellay, which according to the memoir published by his wife he was thinking of publishing in 1913-1914.

Two items are posthumous: the order for the memorial service for Onslow held at Trinity College, Cambridge in October 1922, and uncut proofs for first chapter of Huia Onslow: a Memoir by his wife Muriel Onslow, published in 1924.

ONSL/1/1 · Item · 16-17 Jun 1903
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Manuscript account of the tour, in diary form, perhaps by Helen Moodie; Huia Onslow is referred to as 'H'. The yacht is boarded at Potter Heigham, and Horning Ferry is reached by night on the first day. On the next day they sail via Heigham Bridge (where the sails must be lowered) to Horsey Mere, then on to Hickling Broad; the second night is also spent on board before the yacht is left. The writer, 'H', and 'the man' appear to be the only crew.

A humorous tone is taken throughout, with references to Huia's snores and a disastrous spilling of sausages.

ONSL/3/15/1 · Item · 6 Jul 1914
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Windsmill, Enfield, Middlesex: - Is late in acknowledging Onslow's letter of 30 Jun due to absence from home; 'much obliged' for the particulars Onslow has given of his work, and as Fletcher is 'specially interested in any researches bearing on the cancer problem' will be 'very glad' if he can assist in furthering Onslow's work. Asks if he may write to Professor Hopkins for further information, and for information about the apparatus Onslow requires and its likely cost.

ONSL/3/1 · Item · 4 Dec. 1910
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Department of Mines, Geological Survey, Ottawa. Sent to 'Hon H. Osborne [sic]', Rideau Hall, Ottawa.- The trip Onslow mentions could almost certainly be 'made in one season', but though it is easy to reach Fort Simpson in Spring, but from there Onslow would have to ascend the Laird river to its source, for which he would need 'reliable men' because of the high water. The Survey's geologists have descended the Laird, but he does not know of any who have gone the other way. It would not be difficult to go to Dawson via Fort Good Hope at the mouth of the Mackenzie, 'up Peel's River 30 miles and down the Porcupine to the Yukon'.

Adds that Mr McConnell, who has made the trip down the Laird, is willing to advise Onslow on 'all three routes to Dawson by way of the McKenzie'. Will introduce them if necessary.

Letter from J. Donovan
ONSL/3/4/1 · Item · 10 Jul 1912
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

43 Norroy Road, Putney, S.W. - Wants to know 'whether calculations can be made bearing upon the enormous difference between the entropies of organic mechanic systems (the plant and animal kingdoms), and naturally formed inorganic systems' or expressed another way, wants 'to get at some calculations showing how organic mechanical systems utilize quantities of energy which are inevitably permitted to dissipate in naturally formed inorganic systems'. Addressed to 'H. Mordie, Esq': presumably a misreading for [Helen] Moodie, who must have replied on Onslow's behalf to the advert in the Athenaeum mentioned by Donovan.

ONSL/2/1 · File · 22 May 1909
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

From the office of the Superintendent of the Line at Liverpool St Station, London; initialled R. J. [?] as signature on behalf of R. P. Ellis.

Requesting that Onslow, having travelled on the wrong railway line for his ticket from St. Pancras to Cambridge, pay a remittance of the fare. Later receipt of fare noted as an annotation.

ONSL/3/10 · File · 1914-1920
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Contains letters from various figures associated with the society regarding Onslow's work for them: predominantly writing précis of articles in scientific journals such as Nature deemed relevant [see ONSL/3/11], but also providing translations and lists of books which should be reviewed, and writing articles for the Society's journal. Some typed copies of letters from Onslow to the Society also present.

Letters from: Sylvia Gotto, Hon. Secretary; A. M. Carr Saunders, who has 'taken over the bibliography scheme'; R. A. Fisher; Nora Alexander, Assistant Secretary; Leonard Darwin, chairman; Constance M. Brown, Secretary; Miss M. E. Robinson, Literary Assistant'.

A letter from Sybil Gotto as 'Joint Honorary Secretary' of the Professional Classes War Relief Council, 30 Mar 1915, is also included here, thanking Onslow for his 'most generous donation' sent in response to 'the Lord Mayor's invitation'; hopes he will do 'all he can to make [the Society's] work more widely known.

ONSL/3/11 · Item · Oct-Dec 1916
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Attached note: 'First [?] - abstracts - of papers sent in Jan 17 1917. The abstracts appeared in the Review. I think they were signed'.

Abstracts of: Andrew T. Rasmussen on hibernation (no title or date); 'A Note on the Inheritance of Eye-colour in beans etc', Frank M. Surface; J. F. Jones and S. L. Mason on congenital cataract, American Nature Dec 1916 p 751; Raymond Pearl and M. R. Curtis on the physiology of reproduction in the domestic fowl', Nature, Dec 14 1916 p 296; E. C. MacDowell, criticism of the experiments of Castle and Phillips on hooded rats, American Nature Dec 1916 p 719; Richard Goldschmidt, summarising some results in crosses between Japanese and European races of O. DisparAmerican Nature Dec 1916 p 705; note by J. W. Harrison on hybridisation of Oporabia dilutata and O. autumnata Nature, 30 Nov 1916, p 248; resume by Arthur J. Harris on statistical treatment of fertility in animals; account of bulletin no. 15 of the American Eugenics Record Office, including a study by Mrs Finlayson of '"the Dack family" who show a "hereditary lack of emotional control"; Leonard Darwin, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Vol. LXXIX Part II; paper by R. Pearl and F. M. Surface (Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abstammungs-und Vererbunglehre XIV Nos 3-4) on growth and variation in maize Nature, 12 Oct 196 p 119; Arthur Dendys , presidential address to the Quekette Microscopical Club on 'an analysis of the relation of mutation to the evolution theory Nature*, Oct 5 1916 p 9.

ONSL/3/12 · Item · 25 Apr 1914
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Sent to 'Mr Hina [sic] Onslow, Leckhampton House, Cambridge, England'. - Onslow's letter to C. C. Hurst has been referred to the President 'for consideration and reply'. Two pamphlets will be sent to him, one explaining the 'plan, scope and development of the Institution to date' and the other with a list of its publications. As Onslow will see, the list of publications is extensive, and it would be 'improper as well as impracticable' to send a complete set to any one person. The 'only fit recipients of them are the greater libraries of the world' and they are distributed free only to such libraries, of which the University Library and that of the Cambridge Philosophical Society are two. Onslow should therefore have access to them.

Publications are also offered for sale at normal prices since some institutions like the British Museum wish to purchase them. The Institution 'finds itself obliged to decline the system of exchanges we have inherited' as this would 'speedily defeat the primary purpose of the Institution and convert it into a gift-book enterprise'.