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TRER/3/1 · Item · 5 July 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

11 Drayton Court, Drayton Gardens, S. W. - Is glad Trevelyan likes the story ["The Eternal Moment"] better than he expected; he agrees about the end and will work on it; is satisfied with the beginning although Trevelyan is right that the conversation suggests 'a rather unbecoming sauciness'. Wished Trevelyan had told him where 'the facetiae' are, as these are a definite fault. Asks if Ch[apter] II is a 'hash'. Does not think that he ought to come to Seatoller, as another house is 'ripening', and apologises. His mother sends her remembrance to Trevelyan and his wife. His Ravello story "The Story of a Panic" will appear next month: he 'likes it more than [he] ought'.

TRER/14/1 · Item · 8 Mar [c 1880]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thanks 'Aunt Meggie' for the letter and flowers; will put some in the schoolroom and some in the drawing room. His mother gave him a canary, which died after three days, so his grandfather gave him another. Georgie is 'learning his months and his tables', and can do an addition sum with help. Robert thinks he saw some metal in a piece of flint through his microscope'.

TRER/17/1 · Item · 19 Jan [1950?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

50 Gordon Square, W. C. - Was 'heroic' of Bob to 'battle through' his book about Po Chu-aloud; very glad that Bessie has got to know it, as he thought of them both when writing it. Thanks him for the 'very impressive hymn to Demeter' [in the latest "From the Shiffolds"]. Beryl [de Zoete] is 'rather souffrante', no doubt because of 'privations in India'. They both look forward to visiting later.

TRER/10/1 · Item · 6 Jan 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Good to hear from Elizabeth [about Ravello]; sure 'the two elderly gentlemen' will be pleased to have them at meals; hopes she does not walk alone in 'very wild parts' because of 'wild dogs and uncultivated natives'. George has had his friend Robertson to stay and has just 'walked him off to Reedsmouth' in a downpour to meet his bag and go on to Carlisle. Has been busy with last arrangements and interviews; they leave by the early train on Thursday. Booa [Mary Prestwich] has left for Welcombe today. Sir George has been well recently but has just got a cold. Glad Elizabeth is going on with the translation, and looks forward to reading it; always thinks it 'foolish to spend time in translating french books, as everyone can read french', but very few people read Dutch. '[V]ery cheerful that the Liberals have 'won the Newmarket [by]election most triumphantly' [candidate Charles Rose]. Charles has not yet returned from Scotland; seems to be having a good time. Asks to be remembered to Mrs Reid and Madame Palumbo; asks if 'the old man at the Capucini at Amalfi' is still alive.

TRER/8/1 · Item · 19 July 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Though Donald [Tovey] is meant to be staying at Northlands all July, so far he has managed only about two nights a week; next week seems clearer; invites the Trevelyans to come and stay the night on July 27th, or another day next week. Donald hopes Bessie will play some sonatas with him. Percy Such and [Charles?] Jacoby [or Georg Jacobi?] are coming that night to play Donald's new arrangement of his Trio for Clarinet and Horn, for Violin and Cello.

TRER/7/1 · Item · [July? 1907]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Has '[o]ne more carp' with Trevelyan's draft libretto [for "The Bride of Dionysus"]: is 'full of themes and possibilities' but has trouble with the very first line. If it could be altered, he could 'get an idea of the first notes (& hence of the overture...)'; has 'frivolous... fears' that at the moment it sounds 'partly like an address from the stage to the conductor & partly like a catch-word for critics'. The rest is 'perfectly setable [sic]' and he does not want to change a word. Wishes to begin with 'Dark ship' rather than 'slow', to 'hit the aural eye... with a colour at once'. Recognises that this complicates Trevelyan's rhythm, though with music that would not be noticeable. Reassures Trevelyan that he will not be 'like this about every line'. Trevelyan must not gather from what Tovey said to Mrs Trevelyan [see 7/153] that he objects to setting passages Trevelyan has adopted from earlier works.

TRER/22/1 · Item · 22 Feb 1946
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

University Press, Cambridge. - Thanks Trevelyan. Sure the Syndics would like the Press to continue to be the publishers of Trevelyan's translations, but it is a 'question of time': they have just printed his "Oedipus Colonus", and have his "Theocritus" 'in the safe', to be published 'in due course'. But they also have many other manuscripts ready in the safe, and 'priority is a difficult problem': if Trevelyan wants to get his book of shorter translations out in the next twelve months, Roberts feels he should advise him to try another publisher. Adds a postscript to say he is enclosing a 'specimen page of the proposed style for Theocritus' [no longer present'.

TRER/28/1 · Item · c 1893-c 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Book contains: notes from the "Law Quarterly", 1885 [1v-4r]; verse play with characters including Godfrey of Bouillon [5v-17r]. It has also been used from back to front, turned 180 degrees, for: strophe, antistrophe and epode of a poem about Dionysus and the Tyrrhenian pirates [v of endpaper-88r]; poem about Tobit [85r-81r; 79r-77v; 1 loose f between 82 and 83].

Also 73 inserts (both single sheets and bifolia), mostly of handwritten drafts of poetry. These include:
page proofs of "Trojan Captives Grinding Corn In The Palace of Menelaus", which appeared in "Mallow and Aspohodel" as "Quern Songs" [28/1/11];
draft verse and sketch plan on headed notepaper from Hôtel & Pension Palumbo, Ravello [28/1/27]; draft verse using headed notepaper from Wallington [28/1/28, 28.1/35, 28/1/38, 28/1/42];
letter, 29 July 1898, from 'W. E.' [William Edward?], Macmillan & Co. Ltd, St. Martin's Street, London, W.C., to R. C. Trevelyan, Roundhurst, Haslemere, acknowledging receipt of Trevelyan's letter of the 19th, the proofs of his poems ["Mallow and Asphodel"], which will be sent to press today, and Trevelyan's second letter with corrections that will be attended to [28/1/31];
Latin text of "Sylvae. III. Ambra" by Agnolo [Ambrogini] Poliziano [or Politian]; this may not be in Trevelyan's hand, though the pencil translation on the back is. [28/1/44]
Page proof of "Prologue for Bacchus", with stamp 'R. & R. Clark. Printers', with annotations in pencil at bottom and on verso [28/1/45].
Letter, 4 Apr 1900, from G. E. Moore, Penmenner House, The Lizard, Cornwall, to R. C. Trevelyan. - Hopes that Bob will come some time next week; Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] will arrive on the 13th or 14th; gives corrected instructions for Bob's journey. Verso of letter, along with another bifolium, with draft verses, "Roses opening on the morn..." [28/1/55-57].


Endpapers used for lists of poems [perhaps for Trevelyan's "Collected Works?]; another list inside. Notebook filled in from both ends, with contents including: essay on translation of Lucretius; dialogue between Septimius and Cinna ["Maya"], "Beelzebub"; dialogue between Thersites, Cressida and Poet; dialogue between Cressida, Lady Pandar, and Troilus; prose narrative about Abdul and Hasan; dialogue between Coryat [a name used for a Trevelyan-like figure in Lowes Dickinson's "Modern Symposium"] and Miranda on the subject of Love; text for lecture on Chinese poetry, containing praise of the translations by Arthur Waley; a prose narrative about a young man thinking through his ambitions in life, another version of this with Coryat as the young man; list of decisions about the future, for example, 'C. decides to be a prophet. A. " " " a poet..."; list of characters/names in two columns, 'Gigadibs, Puce, Prof Bruce? [circled], Apollinax? / Percy Smith?, Cynicus? [struck through], Panurge? [circled], Thersites? [struck through]' - these could be intended as pseudonyms as a third column contains names of friends, 'C.A [Clifford Allen], Goldie [Lowes Dickinson], (Klingsor), [Bernard] Berenson'; dialogue between 'P.' and 'D.' regarding a conversation D. and 'R.H.' have recently had with Coryat [see 29/2]. Loose sheet with verse dialogue between 'Father' and 'Child'.

TRER/19/1 · Item · [Spring 1912?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Basset Down, Wroughton, Wilts. - Thanks Bob for the book ["The Bride of Dionysus"], and wishes he could have stayed in London to do so in person; thinks it 'so fine'. The 'operatic convention' has made it very concentrated - 'every line tells' - and the 'long delay' in preparation has given it 'that last "trade-finish"', so as George was saying recently it is the only libretto ever 'that was moving by itself'. Comments on 'what stuff Vernon Lee did talk about the Dionysus business'. Thinks it will be a 'tremendous climax', with the audience so excited that they 'forget to fuss about opera cloaks and all that'. Asks how everyone is, and how Bob's new book is going; hopes the British public will 'play up'. Is going back to Monte Fiano for a year from 1 June, so has been 'having a rampage and seeing lots of people before retiring to [his] wonderful hermitage'. Asks whether Bob will be in London on 20 or 23 May. Wonders if Bob got his last letter and call at 2 Cheyne Gardens; left a parcel for him there.

TRER/21/1 · Item · 29 Oct 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Byways, Steep, Petersfield. - Hears Trevelyan is 'trying to do something' for T[homas] Sturge Moore [Trevelyan petitioned the government to get Moore a Civil List pension]; wants to say 'how strongly' he feels Moore's 'claims to intellectual and material support'. Knows him only a little personally, but has made 'a close study of his work' and admires his imagination and originality; Moore 'keeps alive our believe [sic] in the "world elsewhere" - never more wanted than at the present time'. Finds a 'touch of Blake' there.

TRER/5/1 · Item · 19 June 1902
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wolverhampton Art and Industrial Exhibition, 1902, Gresham Chambers, Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton. - Was very sorry to miss Trevelyan on Tuesday; the Committee had a 'long jangling quarrel which dragged like an Alexandrine'. Will send the Yeats book tomorrow, and thinks Trevelyan will like it. Has been reading Gorky 'with disappointment'; thinks Bart Kennedy, the author of "Sailor Tramp" which he recommended, is far superior and disapproves of too much philosophy in a tramp.

TRER/25/15/1 · Item · 16-17 July 1947
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Telegram, 16 July 1947, from Christopher Hassall to R. C. Trevelyan, inviting him to give a twenty-five minute talk on Catullus on 27 August. Reply from Trevelyan regretting that he cannot give the talk. Subsequent reply cancelling previous reply and saying Trevelyan would 'much like to write script' if the offer is still open.

TRER/26/1 · File · 1898-1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Letter, 5 May 1898, from George Lillie Craik, Macmillan & Co Ltd, St. Martin's Street, London, W.; sent to R. C. Trevelyan at the National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, S.W.. - They have asked a 'friend' to help them decide about Trevelyan's poems ["Mallow and Asphodel"]; his opinion is 'favourable' and therefore they are willing to publish the work on commission; advises Trevelyan to add some 'poems on modern themes' if he can as this will increase the book's appeal. They will keep the manuscript until Trevelyan says where he would like it to be sent; expects he will want to look through it before it goes to the printers.

Gathering of printed page proofs for the 1898 publication of "Mallow and Asphodel" by Macmillan, with numerous duplicate pages. Date stamp, '28 May '98'; extensive corrections in manuscript.

9 pages (versos blank) from a lined notebook, with the "Archilochus" poems from "Mallow and Asphodel" written out, with corrections, in Trevelyan's hand.

Four copies of galley proofs of poems from "Mallow and Asphodel", with Cambridge University Press date stamps from 11 November 1937 to 4 January 1938. All have extensive corrections in Trevelyan's hand; two copies have attached printed "First Proof" labels from Cambridge University Press. Seemingly from a "Collected Works" or other anthology, but Trevelyan's "Collected Works" was in fact published in two volumes by Longmans in 1939. One copy contains two sides of a typed revision of the final lines of Trevelyan's "Orpheus"; the verso of the second sheet has draft [?] lines in pencil, "Seven years have I now loved you..." in Trevelyan's hand.

Press cuttings, sent to Trevelyan by Macmillan and Co. or cuttings agencies, from the: "Scotsman"; "Academy" (two copies); "Glasgow Herald"; "Literature"; "Speaker"; "Bookman"; "Oxford Magazine"; "Leeds Mercury"; and "Times". Dates between 1 September 1898 and 4 October 1899.

TRER/26/12/1 · Part · 10 Sept 1925
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trevelyan's address c/o G[ordon] Bottomley, The Sheiling, Silverdale, near Carnforth. - Strachey's article in last week's "Spectator" [see 26/12/5] gave Trevelyan much pleasure: it is a 'rare experience to be appreciated at once so generously and so understandingly'. Was very glad Strachey quoted the chorus on Man from the "Antigone", as he thinks his own 'somewhat dangerous experiment of trying to reproduce the Greek metre comes nearest to success' there. What Strachey says about his translation of Theocritus is also 'very gratifying': Trevelyan had worried that the 'expectations and the absence of rhyme in that metre would prove a stumbling block'. Expected that few people would agree with his comment about [Theocritus's] "Sorceress" being the 'greatest of love poems": perhaps he 'went too far', but did not intend to compare it with dramas, short lyrics and sonnets; even among long poems he admits Chaucer's "Troilus [and Criseyde]" and Marlowe's "Hero and Leander" could be argued to be 'greater'. Hoped to 'provoke dissent' but so far Strachey is the only critic to have challenged his assertion. Very pleased to find someone who understands and generally agrees with what he says about metre in "Thamyris"; thinks he could have been more convincing with more space for illustrations, and would also have liked to have given some examples of 'good and bad poetic rhetoric'. Has always thought Campion's ' "Rose-cheeked Laura" was a 'very remarkable invention"; Strachey may have noticed that he translated several Theocritean epigrams into it. Is himself 'no enemy of rhyme' but thinks there are 'great possibilities in unrhymed lyrical verse in English' which modern vers libre writers have not explored fully.

TRER/29/1 · Item · 1890s-1900s?
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Lines copied out by Trevelyan from the 1833 publication of Tennyson’s “The Lotos Eaters” and “The Lady of Shalott” [perhaps comparing the differences with the 1842 edition?]. Draft verse addressed to Thanatos; prose about Meliance of Lys.
Notebook also used from opposite end in: draft prose narrative; notes on Wilson’s “Hindu Theatre” [Horace Hayman Wilson’s “Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus” and [Charles Henry] Tawney’s translation of “Mālavikāgnimitra”; draft verse [or translation] on the Grail myth.

TRER/34/1 · File · June 1913 ?
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Also contains notes for Trevelyan's toast to 'Absent Brothers' [at the annual dinner of the Cambridge Apostles], in which he explains that [his brother] George is 'in the Balkans, visiting battlefields' [during the Second Balkan War]; Brooke is in America, and Dickinson in China. Trevelyan suggests that Brooke should instead go to India as '9th reincarnation of Vishnu', play the flute and be followed by 'troops of adoring Gopi maidens. He would make a wonderful God'. If this new religion should prove a nuisance to the government, McTaggart, Russell and Moore should be 'at hand to check and expose him'; they would also find helpful roles in India, as would Fry, Lytton Strachey, George Trevelyan, and Mayor.

TRER/25/1 · File · 1919-1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd account dated 10 Oct 1919 for copies sent and postage, with list of names; crosses indicate people also to receive Trevelyan's "The Death of Man". Four printed order forms, not filled in, for "The Ajax of Sophocles" and "The Foolishness of Solomon".

Press cuttings, most sent by Durrant's Press Cuttings to R. C. Trevelyan, dating between 30 Oct 1919 and 21 Feb 1920. Reviews of "The Ajax of Sophocles" from the "Times Literary Supplement"; "Manchester Guardian" (two copies, also reviewing "The Death of Man and Other Poems"); the "Tablet" (two copies); the "Yorkshire Observer", the "Daily News & Leader"; the "Athenaeum (two copies); the "Journal of Education"; and the "Southport Guardian".

TRER/25/8/1 · Item · 31 Oct 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

King's College, Cambridge. - Thanks Trevelyan for granting permission to use his translation of Sophocles' "Antigone": it is just right for the purpose, and Sheppard has 'always ranked it very high'; when he saw it acted by the girls of Hawnes School near Bedford fifteen months ago he was 'delighted'. Glad that Trevelyan agrees with him on the interpretation of [line 523, "οὔτοι συνέχθειν, ἀλλὰ συμφιλεῖν ἔφυν"], which he thinks expresses the 'most important part of the play'. Will go through the text carefully before printing and let Trevelyan know if he thinks of anything else, as well as showing him the introduction. Has just heard from May Lowes Dickinson that she and her sister are very pleased with Trevelyan's poem about [their brother] Goldie; Sheppard did not know it had been printed [in the "New Statesman"] but is pleased that it has; Maynard [Keynes] showed it him a while ago, and they 'agreed that it was very beautiful and true'.

TRER/16/1 · Item · 22 Mar 1897
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Roundhurst, Haslemere. - Expects he will be at Wallington on 12 [April]; Edward could come then, or earlier in the week; there will be a 'mob of people' he hardly knows such as the Spence Watsons early on but 'the coast will be cleared' after Tuesday; he will get there on Wednesday or Thursday next week. Asks Edward to send Kitty's address [Kitson added in pencil]; they could 'do something to rag him' such as sending a letter 'enclosing a beautiful epithalamium'. 'Here is a fan for Roger [Fry] to paint, which 'may be used to support whichever side of the temperance question you may choose'; includes the text of Bob's poem "For a Fan", with a reference to the Homeric Hymn to Pan.

TRER/13/1 · Item · 6 Feb 189[6?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

29 Beaufort Street, Chelsea SW. - Jokes that his treatment of Bob has been 'shameful', especially after the 'splendid sonnet' which he compares to 'a piece of very neat cabinet work, not the highest praise perhaps but just what [he] wanted for an occasional thing like this'. Has been ill since he left Bob at Bristol but is now recovering. Has begun his Brighton lectures [for the Cambridge Extension Movement], with a 'large & enthusiastic audience of elderly ladies who palpitate with emotion'; sometimes stays with his sister [Isabel?] and feels it shows 'great nerve to stay at a girls school [Miss Lawrence's School, later Roedean] & have meals in the common room'. Wishes he were with Bob in the sun though agrees Taormina is not the 'best possible' place in Sicily to stay; warns him not to copy his relative [Florence Trevelyan, who married a Taorminan doctor] and marry the innkeeper's daughter. Remembers coming round a hill onto a terrace by the sea and seeing 'the monster' Etna for the first time. Syracuse is nice but he supposes not convenient to stay at. [Dugald] MacColl has just come for dinner.

Returns to the letter after two days. Went to the Fletchers' last night and heard some good music; [Hercules] Brabazon was there, and 'rather pathetic': has been too much for him to 'become at the age of 70 a great artist & consequently an authority on art has been too much for him'. Some good pictures at the Old Masters [exhibition at the Royal Academy], especially a Tintoretto. Has begun the "Odyssey" with the help of Bob's translation. Has 'some manuscript poems of Gerald Hopkins' [sic: Gerard Manley Hopkins] which would make Bob 'tear his hair'; quotes three lines [the opening of "The Windhover"], but won't disturb Bob's 'Sicilian vespers with the clash of footed metres'.

Box 1
TRER/1 · Series · 1898-1957
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

1-125 relate to Lascelles Abercrombie and comprise letters and postcards from Abercrombie to R. C. and Bessie Trevelyan; newspaper cuttings relating to Abercrombie's death; a draft letter from R. C. Trevelyan and tribute to Abercrombie; two letters from Oliver Elton seeking information for a memorial of Abercrombie.
126-132 relate to Max Beerbohm and comprise letters and a copy letter from Max and Florence Beerbohm to Trevelyan, as well as sketches by Beerbohm with an accompanying note by Trevelyan.
133-154 are letters from Bernard Berenson to Elizabeth Trevelyan, or from Nicky Mariano on Berenson's behalf.
155-211 almost all relate to Robert Bridges and his family (180 is a stray letter from John Masefield) and comprise: correspondence between Bridges and R. C. Trevelyan (each with a typed copy, prepared in 1954 at the request of Edward Bridges, see 199); letters from Monica Bridges to R. C. Trevelyan; and letters from Edward Bridges, Edward Gathorne-Hardy, Joseph Scott and Humphry Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan, with a copy letter from Elizabeth Trevelyan to Gathorne-Hardy, about her husband's letters to Robert Bridges.
There are also letters from Robert Bridges' daughter Elizabeth Daryush to R. C. Trevelyan about her own poetry