This collection contains, firstly, the surviving contents of the Pethick-Lawrences’ correspondence files, including letters from, and copies of letters to, a wide range of politicians and public figures. It also contains papers relating to the Lawrence family and the early life of F. W. Lawrence; articles and scripts of talks by Lord Pethick-Lawrence; correspondence between the Pethick-Lawrences themselves; papers of Lady Constance Lytton; papers relating to the separation of the Pethick-Lawrences from the Women’s Social and Political Union; and papers relating to prison conditions. The collection includes particularly notable material on the subjects of Indian independence, the suffrage movement, and other aspects of social reform.
Lawrence, Frederick William Pethick- (1871-1961), 1st Baron Pethick-Lawrence, politician(Carbon copy of 5/99c.)
(Typed transcript of 5/99b.)
Expresses his opposition to the actions of the British Government in the Middle East. Has advised Nehru that he values the presence of India in the Commonwealth and hopes that Menon will support this view.
(Headed ‘Rough draft of what I have written to Krishna Menon in New York.’)
Broadmoor Cottages (near Dorking).—Expresses her love for him, and reflects on the beauty of her surroundings.
Fourways, Gomshall, Surrey.—Invites her to lunch at the House of Lords when she comes to London for the annual meeting of PEN. Refers to his visit to Geneva.
(Marked ‘First draft | not sent’.)
(Place of writing not indicated.)—‘How perfect it will be for you all in Somerset.’ Reflects on her reading of World Faiths.
(Place of writing not indicated.)—Addresses the enclosed violets, a gift to his wife.
(Undated. With an envelope, postmarked 13 Nov. 1904, containing the dried remains of the violets.)
Sachivalaya, Bombay 1.—Welcomes him to Bombay, and invites him and Lady Pethick-Lawrence to a dinner party.
10 Downing Street, Whitehall.—The Prime Minister (Churchill) proposes to re-appoint the Political Honours Scrutiny Committee, and hopes that Pethick-Lawrence will consent to be a member.
28 Gordon Mansions (W.C.).—Is delighted by the news of his engagement to Vechan (Emmeline Pethick), and looks forward to meeting him.
28 Gordon Mansions.
June 13: 1901
Dear Mr. Lawrence
Vechan has asked me to meet you at 20 Somerset Terrace on Tuesday {1} at four o’clock. I want just to say how great a pleasure it will be to me.
You know something of our relationship—how all her life she has shared with me her thoughts, and her heart. I am glad that this has come to her & to you. I know that she has but one thought, one purpose, one prayer—it is that she may help you live to the highest and largest fulfilment of your best purposes. She accepts her position with almost an awe, seeing the greatness of your life’s possibility. Vechan can never be to me other than she has ever been,—a kind of holy trust. And to me it will be more than a joy, my blessedness if I can serve her still & serve you for her sake.
I am glad you are going to see her amongst the children. You wont know her until you have seen [her] there & amongst the old people of the workhouse. These children, brought up amidst all that tends to hardness & suspicion, find in her such a boundless trust, the atmosphere of such a gladness & sunshine that they are transformed as by a miracle of love.
God bless you. Take care of her whom I call still my Vechan. There is not in the round world another so strong yet so sensitive, so utterly independent yet so glad to be dependent where love is,—holding so much that is counted everything as so little, but all that makes the true life unutterably dear. God made you the happiest of men that she may be the happiest of women.
Yours heartily
M. Guy Pearse
{1} 18th.
India House.—Pethick-Lawrence’s message has been forwarded to her brother (Nehru). Indians have been heartened to realise that many people in Britain did not support the actions of their Government in the Middle East. She thinks her brother has made it clear that India would not wish to leave the Commonwealth. Invites him to lunch for a quiet talk.
8 Heath Villas, Halifax.—Has returned to the ‘sombre industrial North’. Thanks him for showing her round the House of Lords.
(Place of writing not indicated.)—Is pleased he seems to be enjoying himself in London. Reflects on her reading of Aeschylus and sends news of friends.
87 Clement’s Inn, W.C.—He enjoyed his evening with the boys (a boys' club?). Is going to a meeting tomorrow to discuss the proposals to tax the natives of South Africa.
He sympathises with Nehru’s feelings regarding Eden’s actions in the Middle East, but it would be a disaster if this ‘cleavage’ were to result in India leaving the Commonwealth. Asks her to communicate the enclosed personal message to Nehru.
Encourages the Indian nation in their efforts towards social reform. Is pleased that India has decided to continue as a member of the Commonwealth.
Farewell Message by Lord Pethick Lawrence
recorded at All India Radio, Calcutta on
21. 12. 57
My wife and I have spent a wonderful month in India. Kindness has been showered upon us in overflowing measure. The treasures of the past have been opened to us to see; and most interesting treasures they are! But what is even more important we have been given opportunities to learn what is beginning to be done to create the India of the future.
In the long years during which I have had close associations with India I have known much of your many problems. During this visit I have realised more than ever how great they are. I can well understand how easy it would be for you to sit down and say, “The obstacles to change and progress are too great. Let us not try to overcome them. Let us continue to live as we did in the past.”
But you are not saying this. You are saying instead “Now that we are in charge of our own destiny we must set our house in order and we must not lag behind other nations in getting rid of the evils in our midst.”
I come from a country where we have full employment and the Welfare State. As a result, the standard of life of our people is higher today than it has ever been before. There is no need for anyone to go hungry or to be without shelter and if he or she is taken ill or has an accident, skilled medical attention is available.
You have much unemployment and you have not the resources today to create the Welfare State. But in your five year plans you are taking steps to deal with both these things; and the best that I can do is to wish you well in your labours. Both you and I realise that it is an uphill task that will take all your resources and all your energies. You are getting, and, I am confident, you will continue to get help from other parts of the world on the material side but of course most of the energy and the skill must increasingly come from yourselves.
That is why I have been so heartened to learn of the great drive you are making to educate your children. The vastness of your population and the remoteness of many of your villages make this a stupendous task but it is an essential element of your progress.
I would like to tell you how strong is the pleasure in my country that you decided to stay a member of the Commonwealth. Many of us view with deep apprehension the hostile alignment to one another of the Great Powers. While we intend to remain loyal members of the United Nations none of us feel that it is wholly satisfactory. We believe that in the Commonwealth we have a society which is nearer to the pattern of the righ relationship of one country to another.
Of course even in the Commonwealth we do not always see eye to eye. But at any rate we consult together and we are in a position to discuss our differences in a friendly spirit. In Britain we naturally tend to look at the world from a European point of view. You as a great Asian Power have quite a different view point and the other members of the Commonwealth have theirs. We feel that that is a great source of strength not only for ourselves but for the world as a whole. Long may it continue!
But the prevailing impression which I carry back home with me is the very real friendliness that you have in India here towards me and my countrymen. This is something much warmer and much more enduring than mere courtesy and good manners. I know it represents your real feelings and because of that I go home very happy that I have come and that I have experienced it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Raj Bhavan, Calcutta.—Encloses a copy of the farewell message recorded by Pethick-Lawrence at All-India Radio, Calcutta, the same day.
(Text substantially as 5/97b.)
8 Heath Villas, Halifax.—Expects to be on time for their meeting at the House of Lords. Would like to see the records and look in at a debate.
Accepts the suggested date for a meeting (see 3/86).