Letters relating to Henry Sidgwick's rôle in the Cambridge Mendicity Society and Charity Organisation Society, with notes made by Nora Sidgwick from minutes of these societies lent her by Florence Keynes.
Keynes, Florence Ada (1861–1958) social and political activistWrites to inform Nora that at a meeting of the Committee of the Cambridge Charity Organisation, held that afternoon, the enclosed resolution [included] 'was unanimously adopted', and that she [Keynes] was asked to send a copy to Nora. Claims it to be 'a sincere although inadequate tribute to one who had been an ideal Chairman, a generous benefactor and the wisest of counsellors.' Resolution of the Committee of the Cambridge Charity Organisation Society. The latter 'desire to record their sense of the heavy loss sustained by the Society through the death of their Chairman, Dr Henry Sidgwick.' States that the formation of the Society, twenty-one years previously, was mainly due to his initiative, 'and through a series of years he gave not only most generous pecuniary assistance but what was even more valuable - much of his time and thought.' Refers to his continued interest in the work of the Society, even after his more active connection had ceased due to the pressure of other work, and to his readiness to preside at the Annual Meetings. States that his presence in the Chair, and his assistance generally, were most highly valued 'and will be remembered with gratitude by the Committee.'
Keynes, Florence Ada (1861–1958) social and political activist