Proofs of articles published in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.
Hôtel Grande-Bretagne, Athènes - Jane Harrison suggested he share a story told him by André Vagliano about sailors drawing cabalistic signs and using a black-handled knife to 'cut' a waterspout.
The papers concern psychical research, in particular the concept of cross-correspondence in the writings of automatic writers, and consist of automatic scripts by Margaret and Helen Verrall (later Helen Salter), with notes and correspondence relating to these and the writings of other automatists active during the early decades of the twentieth century, including those of Alice Fleming ("Mrs Holland") and Winifred Coombe Tennant ("Mrs Willett"). In addition, there are 32 privately printed volumes, including various scripts edited by the Verralls, J. G. Piddington, Alice Johnson, and G. W. Balfour; Piddington's nine-volume analysis 'Notes and Excursuses' and W. H. Salter's 'Introduction to the Study of Scripts'.
Salter, William Henry (1880-1969), lawyer and psychical researcher