Acknowledges the receipt of his letter and its enclosures.
Acknowledges the receipt of his letter and its enclosures (2/43a-c).
Mr Pethick-Lawrence will try to send a short statement in a few days (see 2/40).
‘The Hindu’, 2/3 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.—Expresses sympathy on the death of Lady Pethick-Lawrence.
‘The Hindu’, 2/3 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.—Sends cuttings (2/43b-c) containing Pethick-Lawrence’s statement and the related leading article.
‘The Hindu’, 2/3 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.—Acknowledges the receipt of his article ‘I Salute the Future of India’ (see 2/43, 2/50), which he believes will impress the paper’s readers.
‘The Hindu’, 2/3 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.—Submits a list of points he would like Pethick-Lawrence to address in his statement.
‘The Hindu’, 2/3 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.—Pethick-Lawrence’s speech during the Indian debate in the House of Lords has aroused interest in (i.e. among the people of) India. Seeks an interview with him on the present situation, ‘particularly in its economic and political aspects’.