The Shiffolds. - Thanks her for her letter; she will have heard about their plans from Bessie. Is probably going to Scotland for about a week to join [James?] Strachey, not to Wooler as they had 'first intended'; then Robert can return via Wallington and Cambo for a few days, probably then going on to Silverdale to see the Bottomleys.
Julian seems very well, and 'gets on with Miss Barthorpe [as governess], who is quite good with him'; she is 'perhaps a little wanting in mental energy, but he hardly wants stimulus just now'. Hopes soon to get the agreement with Constables about 'our new Poetry Annual [An Annual of New Poetry], which would then come out this winter'. The negotiations have been 'rather a bother', as he has had to negotiate on behalf of 'all the other contributors'. Bessie is very well.