British Museum, London - Quaritch will sell the copies she is giving the British Museum for the Codex Fund, and asks her to send them 20 copies to begin with.
Leams End, West Hoathly, East Grinstead, Sussex - Thanks her for sending the inventory of letters received and files by Sir James; recommends putting aside the purely personal letters in favour of the letters from anthropologists and other scholars.
Leams End, West Hoathly, East Grinstead, Sussex - Thanks for the kind words on his retirement, feels 'absurdly young to be laid aside'; needs to know more before he can recommend someone to edit the correspondence.
British Museum - The letters concern material left at the British Museum and seek to clarify which material has been offered, as well as the whereabouts of 40 notebooks not found in the suitcase and two boxes, which turn out to be 36 notebooks in Downie's possession; Esdaile records handing over 55 notebooks to Dr Bell, Keeper of the Department of Manuscripts, and his return of the rest of the material to Trinity.
British Museum - Thanks her for the invitation to Sir James' birthday party.
British Museum - Thanks Frazer for sending him 'Anthologia Anthropologica' in November 1938, and 'The Gorgon's Head' in November 1939, particularly likes the sketch of Cowper's life and the epilogue, 'rich in the autumn colours of the ripened mind'.
Horn Hill Court, Chalfont St. Peter, Buckinghamshire. - Had thanked Trevelyan 'verbally' at the R.S.L [Royal Society of Literature] for his Christmas gift of poems ["From the Shiffolds"], but writes now to do so properly. Likes "Epistle to My Grandson" best. Notes in a postscript that Arundell Esdaile, a family friend, is kindly writing a foreword for her new book of poems ["From the Chilterns"].
Loose notes with stiff notebook covers, part of a group of Bensly's papers, Add.MS.c.161-171. Notes, with letters dated 1913-1932 from W. W. Francis, Gilbert H. Doane, Clere Parsons, John Beresford, and Arundell Esdaile.
Bensly, Edward von Blomberg (1863-1939), literary scholarLeams End, West Hoathly, East Grinstead, Sussex - Thanks her for the Downie biography; was struck that it was reading Tylor that first put him on the path to anthropology, as Tylor was important to him as well; admires the Latin epilogue to 'The Gorgon's Head': Frazer writes in two dead languages, Latin and English; has retired from the Museum.
British Museum, London, W.C.1. - Thanks him for the gift of 55 notebooks.
Accompanied by an envelope with note "British Museum Letter w/ 55 Notebooks, and 2 Letters of Mr Downie dealing with 'Letters'. Museum".