1 Nov [1929?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
Boar's Hill. - The B[oar's] H[ill] Hotel have booked Trevelyan's rooms. Enjoyed her 'evening' very much; it was very kind of Trevelyan. Her father says 'Mlle Y. G.' [Yvette Guilbert?] 'asked him to write her a play years ago'. Is sorry to have 'run away' from Trevelyan before he had 'done with' her [in a rehearsal for Trevelyan's "Meleager"?]; she was keen to get to a matinée performance. Saw [Seán O'Casey's] "The Silver Tassie"; liked the setting and thought the play 'effective & extremely tragic', but there were 'few lines of great beauty'; her mother says 'the destroying of all the characters by the war would have been justified!'.