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ONSL/7/2 · Item · 1906
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

'Containing Logarithms of Numbers, Logarithms of Sines and Cosines, Logarithms of Tangents and Cotangents, Natural Sines and Cosines, Natural Tangents and Cotangents. Compiled and arranged for the Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate by A. R. Hinks, M.A.'

Calculations in pencil on the back page.

Printed at Cambridge University Press.

Add. MS b/37/170 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 25th July 1924 - Thanks him for his [published Frazer] lecture ['Immigrants and their Influence in the Lake Region of Central Africa']; Edward Clodd suggested seeing if the Geographical Expedition would fund a second expedition, and saw [Arthur] Hinks, who also mentioned the Boundary Commission going to Lake Rudolph and Abyssinia; mentions that Lilly has eagerly taken up the idea for another expedition and should not be surprised if she succeeds in organizing and financing it 'as well as she did the first; for we owe the Mackie fund entirely to her'; they have sold Lanfine.

Add. MS b/37/119 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C.4. Dated April 10th. 1919 - Is pleased how things are turning out for the expedition [to Uganda]; has written to [Arthur] Hinks about the maps; has written to Denison Ross about [phonograph] records and a standard comparative vocabulary; will consult Macmillan about a new and improved edition of 'The Baganda'; as to the drugs, they don't think [Arthur] Keith is the person to apply to; will visit [Sir Peter] Mackie and thank him for his generosity; thinks his idea of a clerk is a good one; anticipates valuable results from the expedition.

Add. MS b/37/118 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, 43 Bourlevard Raspail, Paris. Dated 26 March 1919 - Describes being called to Paris on the illness of his stepdaughter Lilly Mary Grove and her sudden death; in addition to seeing Sir David Prain, hopes he would see [Arthur] Hinks, Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, who might be of good practical help; wonders how the preparations are going.