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TRER/21/20 · Item · [July? 1920]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Splendid; will go ahead [with negotiating with Bowes for the publication of Bob's version of Aeschylus' "Oresteia"]. Responds to some of Bob's reaction to his proposed cuts; wants him to criticise where he thinks the 'effect would be impaired', though it is important not to increase the length. Would be 'convenient' if Bob could return the [Karl Wilhelm] Dindorf [text of Aeschylus] if he has 'got the cuts clear'; wants a 'fair clear text to doctor for the Printer', but can do without if necessary.

Add. MS a/40/92 · Item · [1863?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Balliol College, Oxford. - Account of Dindorf's proposals for the publication of a manuscript by Uranius which was subsequently found to be a forgery by C. Simonides. 'Pertz's information is very curious'; asks if it is 'all an abstract of entries made at the time, since it differs in some respects from Scott's recollection of what was said at the time. Discusses his own recollections, mentioning Bekker, Böckh, Magnus, Lepsius, Bunsen, Ehrenberg, Tischendorf, and Humboldt. Dindorf tells him that Sir T. Phillipps has, amongst other things purchased from Simonides, an extract from Homer 'with an extract purporting that "the Archon of Chios gave this to Hipparchus, son of Peisistratus"; and another of Hesiod, written βουστροφηδόν - !'.

Copy in hand of W. Aldis Wright.