Degema, S. Nigeria. Dated December 7th, 1916 - Encloses an account of the peace-making ceremony of the people of Ke [transcribed]; has sentenced the so-called 'Prophet Elijah' for sedition for openly praying for the success of the Germans.
Iket, Nr. Calabar, Southern Nigeria, West Africa. Dated April 3rd, 1913 - Is apologetic that Frazer has not received his latest book ['In the Shadow of the Bush']; tells a story of how ethnological research saved his life, by learning about the sacred 'Lake of Life' (with fish carrying the souls of men) and protecting it, earning the trust of the locals.
Iket, Nr. Calabar, Southern Nigeria, West Africa. Dated February 7th, 1913 - Has found much of interest in Southern Nigeria, which is about to pass away as missionaries and westerners exert their influence; tells the story of the 'lake of life' and a ritual to 'The God of the Year'; asks for Frazer's advice in how to proceed in collecting information; knows nothing of the reception of his book ['In the Shadow of the Bush'?].
Oban, Calabar, Southern Nigeria, West Africa. Dated May 25th, 1911 - Encloses a paper on the Buduma of Lake Chad [transcribed]; has just returned from an expedition to Northern Nigeria with his wife and Miss MacLeod.
Lanfine, Hills Road, Cambridge. Dated 7 March 1924 - Is sorry the expense of publishing his [Frazer] lecture is his, hopes to remedy this in future; has not heard from [William] Ridgeway; saw Bishop [Thomas Wortley] Drury at St. Catharine's; is sorry there are no congenial men in his neighbourhood; sees parallels between the use of children in ritual in 'The Banyankole' and ancient Greek ritual; asks if he has seen P. A. Talbot's 'Life in Southern Nigeria' and E. S. Hartland's 'Primitive Paternity'; gave his last lecture and is glad they are over.