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TRER/24/96 · Item · Dec 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: poem, "Moonlight", by E. D. Idle; "Notes from a War Diary" by S. S. [Sylvia Sprigge]; poem, "Lord Death", by Ethel Ginsberg; poem, "The First Hand (for John Donne)" by Nicholas Moore; poem, "Lines for Music", by G. Rostrevor Hamilton; poem, "Apologia Punica" by "J. H."; "By the Abinger Well", by the Editor [Sylvia Sprigge].

Index for Volume 2 of the "Chronicle"; note from the Editor saying that it will only be possible to publish eight numbers next year, but that the subscription will remain at six shillings, also encouraging people to fill in the following form to renew their subscription.

TRER/24/91 · Item · Apr-May 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: "Virginia Woolf" and "Seriousness" by R. C. Trevelyan; poem, "Briefly My Morning", by G. Rostrevor Hamilton; "Interview", by Ida Procter; an essay on "Nursery Rhymes" by M. E. Bosanquet; poem, "The Pause", by John Griffin; poem, "Segesta, Sicily", by S. S. [Sylvia Sprigge].

Request at the end of the "Chronicle" from the New York Public Library for the first two numbers to complete its set.

TRER/24/88 · Item · Christmas, 1940-New Year, 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: "From An Abinger Diary", C.J.S.S. [Cecil Jackson Squire Sprigge]; poem, "Strength", G. Rostrevor Hamilton; "The Destructive Duck", Helen Page; poem, "Solomon Made Wisdom", by D. Eardley Wilmot; poem, "Ivory Tower", by S.S. [Sylvia Sprigge]; poems, "Song for Christmas" and "Fragments to be Found in Ruins (For Priscilla), by Nicholas Moore; letter from Max Beerbohm to 'S.S' about her "The Refugee and the Home Office", in the previous issue [see 24/87], with a letter in response from S.S.; and a note about renewing subscriptions from the Editor [Sylvia Sprigge].

TRER/24/87 · Item · Nov 1940
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: poem, "End of Snowfall", by G. Rostrevor Hamilton; "A Short But True Story" by Max Beerbohm; poem, "A Prayer of Dives to Mammon", by R. C. Trevelyan; poem, "Requiem", by Dorothy Gibson; poem, "The Thunder Storm (After the French of Béranger)", by Eiluned Lewis; "The Refugee and the Home Office (An Untrue Story)" by S.S. [Sylvia Sprigge]; poem, "That Thoughts Are A Continual Surprise", by Ursula Woods [sic: Wood]; reminder to renew subscriptions by the Editor [Sylvia Sprigge].

TRER/21/40 · Item · 16 Dec 1950
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

5 Keats Grove, Hampstead, N.W.3. - Thanks Bob for his Leopardi poems [in this year's "From the Shiffolds"]: this is '[j]ust the weather to think of the coldness of having to die'. Hopes to see another spring, and that Bob also feels that way. Regrets that 'dear Olive [Heseltine]' has died; glad that she bought her last book and kept her last letters. Is 'pretending, if not actually hoping' to go and stay with Florence and Max [Beerbohm, in Rapallo] in May, and may be 'game for anything' if she gets through the winter. Is hoping to meet Walter de la Mare at the Rostrevor Hamilton's house tomorrow at tea. Adds a post-script saying that since Bob sent her two copies of his book, she will give one to de la Mare tomorrow: 'poets are the best audience, poets can find'. The Rostrevor Hamiltons are now at Swan House, Chiswick, which was once the Squires'. Very 'silly' of Julian and Ursula to 'sever [divorce] instead of accumulating memories'; these may 'make one sadder but they stretch ones range of feeling'.