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TRER/21/40 · Item · 16 Dec 1950
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

5 Keats Grove, Hampstead, N.W.3. - Thanks Bob for his Leopardi poems [in this year's "From the Shiffolds"]: this is '[j]ust the weather to think of the coldness of having to die'. Hopes to see another spring, and that Bob also feels that way. Regrets that 'dear Olive [Heseltine]' has died; glad that she bought her last book and kept her last letters. Is 'pretending, if not actually hoping' to go and stay with Florence and Max [Beerbohm, in Rapallo] in May, and may be 'game for anything' if she gets through the winter. Is hoping to meet Walter de la Mare at the Rostrevor Hamilton's house tomorrow at tea. Adds a post-script saying that since Bob sent her two copies of his book, she will give one to de la Mare tomorrow: 'poets are the best audience, poets can find'. The Rostrevor Hamiltons are now at Swan House, Chiswick, which was once the Squires'. Very 'silly' of Julian and Ursula to 'sever [divorce] instead of accumulating memories'; these may 'make one sadder but they stretch ones range of feeling'.