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TRER/21/76 · Item · 11 Dec 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

2 Hampstead Hill Gardens, N.W.3. - Gus [her husband] 'finds 'writing rather an effort', so sends thanks from both of them for Bob's 'delightful' Christmas present [this year's "From the Shiffolds"] which has led her to find out her 'long-neglected Homer' to read the Hymn again. Gus reads poetry out loud most evenings, so it is good to have this new book. Sorry that Bob's friend Robert Lynd has died, and there will be 'less occasion' for him to come to Hampstead, but hopes he will still visit them: they 'have a cook!'. Nick [their son] and his wife have separated; thinks the long parting [during the war] 'chiefly to blame' and wishes they had been 'more patient in trying to adjust themselves again; they are both 'such nice people', and 'poor little Sarah' [their daughter] is 'very fond of Nick' though she has not seen much of him; has been a 'great worry. Sends love to Bessie.

TRER/23/118 · Item · 19 Dec 1945
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

2 Hampstead Hill Gardens, Rosslyn Hill, N.W.3. - Very good of Trevy to send "From the Shiffolds" as Christmas greetings: he and his wife send best wishes in return. Asks how the Trevelyans are; has not seen any works by Julian recently, though he 'much frequent[s] Picture Galleries'. Nick [their son], his wife, and small daughter are staying here while the house they have bought in Chelsea is repaired; Nick is staying in the Army, and is now an acting Major. He himself is 'always reading poetry in scraps, in the bus, in bed...'; he has recently regained some of his 'old passion for Fitzgerald', and always has Rilke and Horace by him, whom Trevy will call an 'odd couple'; has recently 'turned to Pope - stranger still' but now will 'turn to' Trevy.