University Press Cambridge. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter of 13 October [see 21/80]. The binders are still very busy: even now the Press is finding it 'impossible to get into stock' the 'many publications' they could not get bound during and immediately after the war; particularly those whose sale numbers do not justify binding large numbers of copies [such as Trevelyan's translation of Lucretius, about which he wrote enquiring]. Is sending on Trevelyan's letter to Mr David at Bentley House: knows he 'will do what he can'.
Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, 200 Euston Road, London N.W.1. - Mr Kingsford sent on the letter from Trevelyan [see 21/80] about the Lucretius translation; the Press is attempting to get some copies bound. The 'prohibitive price' for the small quantity justified by the sales has been the problem, but thinks 'conditions may now be a little easier' and hopes to have copies available before long. The translation of Leopardi is however entirely out of print, with no copies in sheet form.
Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, 200 Euston Road, London N.W.1. - Writes to inform Trevelyan that the Press has succeeded in having some copies bound of Trevelyan's translation of Lucretius [see 20/79-80]; asks how many he should reserve for Trevelyan.