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TRER/21/144 · Item · 14 Dec 1947
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Farney Close, Peaslake, Guildford. - Thanks for the poems [this year's "From the Shiffolds"] and Christmas greetings; lists poems he particularly likes. Finds it hard these days to understand much new poetry; expects to some extent this is his 'stupidity', but still thinks a 'poet or painter fails if he cannot make his thought & intention tolerably clear'. Gladys [his sister] says she saw Bob at the National Gallery, 'looking at the cleaned pictures'; went himself the week after and much admires the organisers of the exhibition and the cleaning of the pictures. Very sorry that Bessie cannot see them [due to eye troubles]; hopes they are both well; means to write to Bessie before Christmas.